Saturday, August 20, 2011

Thursday and Tonight's Run

   I totally forgot to log in a post on Thursday's run, we did 4 miles and it went pretty good though I don't quite remember it now but I do remember rain. I found out that I am around 5 weeks along, the same as I was last time, and I found out on a Thursday morning last time as well. I am definitely freaking out and scared that the same is going to occur as before, I don't know if I could handle another miscarriage. This morning's run was 7 miles, it would have been really great had there not been so many hills, but it wasn't bad and I had enough kick at the last part to make for a good finish. My bladder was screaming for the first 2 miles but luckily we ran back by the bathrooms - it sucks because I went 3 times before we started, my bladder was bad before the pregnancy now it is just awful. My stomach is feeling empty constantly but I don't really have any idea what I would want to eat, nothing sounds good to me right now. This whole pregnancy thing is a pain.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Our 6 Mile Run

     Team 13 hit 6 miles this morning for our long run, I was a little nervous because there was an intimidating hill on the route around the 3 mile mark - but we actually did fine on it. Both knees started to feel sore a little after 3 miles but we had actually picked up the pace from 11 minutes to around 10:30 at that time and I wasn't feeling anything and it soreness wasn't slowing me down. Around the last mile my left leg felt great, no soreness or anything but my right hamstring began to feel tight and my knee was still sore. I know that I did not go into as deep a stretch with the right hamstring as I did my left one so that could've been it. Hopefully next Saturday's long run won't feel like that. Jamie, Denise and I finished around 1:04:35 which is better than I had expected.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Team 13 Picking up the Mileage

     Last night we ran 4 miles, for the next 4 weeks our Tuesday and Thursday runs will be 4 miles while our Saturday long runs will increase a mile (this Saturday will be 6). Last night I was beginning to feel sore around 2 miles, under my right knee and around 3 miles my knees were feeling a bit sore and somewhere around the right side of my hip was hurting - but not enough to worry about or slow me down. The only thing that really sucked was a left side stitch, my running friend and I started out near the front of the group with the fast people which isn't how I like it yet as I like being near the middle and moving on up gradually. I finished at 40:35 but will pay attention to my legs and make sure to stretch, ice and use my foam roller. I am excited that we are gradually picking up the mileage and hope that my legs can handle this.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

YMCA 5k Warm Up Race

     I was extremely nervous before the race, scared my legs were still tight and sore - and I felt much more nauseas than usual. But when the race started, I went easy and kept the first mile around 10:30 and then as I noticed my legs were doing great, I picked it up a bit and around 2 miles my legs felt a little like jello at the knees but I kept pushing it. I finished at 29:58 (just like last year's 5k Warm up Race) - the only things I really noticed was around the half way, my left breast was feeling sore then the soreness moved to the center of my chest then near the end of the race (maybe a half mile left) it moved down to the center of my stomach but sort of to the right side trying to become a side stitch. Luckily it did not slow me down and I feel great - my husband got a great photo of me smiling and I will probably post that as my avatar once I get to my office today. Yay! It felt great, though I was worried but things went great and now I am going to focus on finishing the 10k in September with all smiles as well which means sticking to the training plan no matter what urges I might get to go running on the trails.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Last Night's Run

   It seems there is finally a break in this heat, yesterday was around 88 degrees and our run just felt a hell of a lot easier than it has in the last few weeks. We ran 3.03 miles and though I am feeling tightness in my legs, and my knees are feeling sore - I did alright doing a 9:57 pace. Tomorrow is the YMCA 5k race and I am excited but a little nervous, I think my knees really took a beating last weekend and have not had a chance to fully recover. I am going to take it easy on this race, because last year I did pretty well for my first 5k race, but blew it on the 10k so I am going to focus more on that one which is on September 10th. I am sure I will run an overall 10 minute pace, but will be extremely happy if I make it under 30 minutes.
    I am contemplating resting after the race, maybe skipping Tuesday's run and seeing if they will help at all. After the race, we are increasing our weekly runs from 3 miles to 4 miles - I guess I will know for sure around Monday how my legs are feeling. Next week the temps are going to stay around the 80s which is just awesome because I was really getting tired of 90+ and humidity.