Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Today's Run and Amazing Hurdle

      I beat my PR!!! My PR was my first 5k race last year on August 7, 2010 at 29:58 minutes. Today's training run I ran 29:39 minutes, before today I hadn't been able to come within one minute of my PR and today it didn't really feel like I was making much effort! I mean, the usual soreness from my knees when I push it a little but that was it! I can't believe I beat my PR during a training run, I am so excited!!!! I have been really concerned for the last couple of weeks since I started running 3 miles, and today must be a sign that I am doing something right!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

No Rain this Week..... so far

    Yesterday afternoon I went out with Shari's group and ran 3 miles, I would say around 31 minutes total. Wasn't bad and I didn't feel too much pain so I think I am actually improving, hopefully 3 miles will become my base mileage (in about 1 month). Jump Start will begin on May 24 (can't wait!!!!!) and they will start at 1 mile, I know that is a bit easy for me now but it will help me correctly improve and increase mileage their way. I think I will work on my pace during the first 2 or 3 weeks of Jumpstart, right now my pace is around 10 to 11 mpm and that is when I am running more than 2.5 miles. I still haven't decided if I am going to do another 1 mile run in the morning on those days that Jumpstart runs or just add a trail run to make up for the lost mileage???? I just want to do it smart and right, I do not want to injure myself again, I want to run the Half Marathon in October. Tomorrow my sister Shauna is supposed to run with me and the group, we probably will not run 3 miles but maybe 2 miles instead. It all depends on how she wants to do it, I also have a race Saturday at Audubon State Park (5k) and then I am pretty much done with races until August.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Making up For Yesterday's Missed Run/Race

    This morning I went to Audubon and ran the Back Country trail again, I actually cut about a minute off my time from last Thursday's trail run. I was not prepared for the 80 degrees though, I think if it hadn't been so hot that early in the morning, I might have done even better, it was only 2.35 miles so darn it. My last race until August is this coming Saturday (unless I register for another) and that one is at Audubon so I am excited! I need to start going back to the gym more often , my ass is starting to show some wrinkley cottage cheese look at the bottom near my upper thighs, actually I probably need to be doing a lot more lunges.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

This Day Sucks

    The Newburgh Rivertown Trail 5k was today, but not so much due to the weather but more due to the fact that I want my husband to be at my races so bad that I will let him make me be late to my race.  We live about a 10 minute drive from Newburgh, and we left about 10 or 15 minutes before 9 (the race). Parking was like 3 or 4 blocks away, so as it was 5 minutes til 9 and we were still about 5 or 9 minutes way and so I reluctantly decided to not do it because I am sick of getting there late and feeling rushed along with my nervous feelings as well. But I won't so badly for him to come to my races, but he is a pro when it comes to procrastination even with his own things to do, and it so aggravating because I like to be on time and even early to things. After races, I decide that I won't take him along or wait for him but then the next race comes along and I know that if I don't wake him up and bring him along, he won't get there until after the start or even show up to my race. This sucks, I guess I will have to make up the run tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Saturday's Race at Valhalla

    I think I forgot to post about this, it was a small race, great but I think only around 40 runners. Again, I kept my pace slow out of fear that my IT band would act up or some other stupid body part. I am hoping that with Jumpstart and building my mileage from 1 mile to 13 with them will help me get over this anxiety. This last Saturday's race wasn't awful, but at 31:54, I am still 2 minutes slower than my first 5k race pace and that is a little aggravating.