Saturday, March 26, 2011

Body Language

     I learned the hard way to listen to what my body is telling me, last year it took a serious IT band injury to remind me that I am not invincible and that my body is always talking to me. I had a race today at 10 a.m. but when I woke up at 7:45,  I just had this gut feeling that if I ran this race I would regret it. The cramping tightness in my arch has not gone away, and last night I started to feel pain on the outside of my left knee, I asked my mom, my sister and hubs what I should do, but even though they said the same thing that I was thinking, I had already decided not to run the race. That choice hurts, and angers me, but I know 99% that it was probably the right decision I hate feeling like I have given up on something, but last Saturday I ran the Johnnie Sue's Lace Up Against Cancer 5k, and the Saturday before that I ran the St. Patrick's Day Run of Luck 7k, and did pretty well on both of them. I now have a month until my next race in April, and then at least 3 races in May but 2 for damn sure. I am going to take it easy this weekend, do some strength training and stretches and then get back out there  on Tuesday, my brother wants to start working out again...... so I have got figure up a schedule for all this now.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Tomorrow's Race

   I should be excited about tomorrow's race, but yet again I am worrying over a strange cramping, this time in the arch of my left foot. It is beginning to concern me after what some people have said, but I am hoping I make through this race, because I will have a month to heal before my next race. My left knee is also hurting a bit, on the outside of it, I ran 2.77 miles and am feeling it slightly. Not to mention I have been doing stretches and dancing around and lunges as well. God I really hope I survive this without any serious injuries 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Wesselman's Woods Nature Trail

    This morning I went to Wesselman's Nature Preserve to run the 1.8 mile trail, probably ended up running 1.65 of it though. It was probably a little more challenging than the road, so I will definitely have to practice more if I am going to run the Audubon 5k Race on May 14th which has a whole lot more hills and root systems. for 1.65 miles I did 18:00 minutes, so that averaged 10:55 a mile for me on this particular trail which would be about 31:65 for 3 miles on this same trail. Going with that and not having ran the Audubon trail yet, I would probably do around 35 to 40 minutes on their 5k.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Johnnie Sue Lace Up Against Cancer

    Wow, today's race was pretty damn good. Out of 133 finishers, I placed 44th place! I was a little concerned there when I had seen the numbers of bibs, before then I wasn't sure how I would do in a race with less than 300 people.  I was also a little concerned when my pace wasn't very fast, I did 32:49, making it 10:34 a mile. Tomorrow I am going to run the trail at Wesselman's Woods, as long as my legs are up to it.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Today's Run

    Today I went ahead and ran (after running yesterday for 2 miles) after the alarm guys finally finished up at 1p.m. and ran 2.50 miles with 26:56 time. I am pretty amped up and excited for Saturday's race,  I feel myself getting stronger and more confident with these races. Tomorrow I am probably going to take a break though, let my body recover for Saturday's race, on Sunday I will do leg strengthening exercises and core workouts.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Today's Run in B-E-A-UTIFUL Weather

     I was actually able to get out and run today, honestly I was getting a little worried there around 2:00 p.m and the alarm guys were still out here working on the shit. I wanted to go to the Newburgh Rivertown Trail, but a lot of it is underwater =( and that really sucks. So instead I went to the Evansville Riverfront and ran 2.04 miles for 22:34 which wasn't bad for training, I kind of wished I had ran a little faster though. This is only training runs and I am still working on my base runs, but I think I am getting close to breaking past my 3 mile wall.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Run of Luck 2011

      I can honestly say I am proud of myself, the race went well overall though near the beginning I found that a lot of walkers were in the middle and in the way of runners. So I was about 2 minutes behind the line longer than I should have been, but I made up for it. The race was around 4.30 miles I believe, at mile 4 my watch said 42:38 so I don't that that was too bad for 4 miles. Since I hadn't made it to 3 miles in over a month. I won't see my actual race results probably until tomorrow or later tonight though, like I said 2 minutes will have to be added onto the 45:25 that I had when I passed the finish chute. At this moment it looks like I might have another race in just a week......... it is only a 5k so it shouldn't be too awful.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tuesday's Run

    I was able to run today, I bumped it up from 2.20 miles to 2.68 miles and was definitely feeling the burn and soreness. Unfortunately I have a race coming up next Saturday and it is a 7K which is 4.3 miles. I have less than 2 weeks to start comfortably running 3 miles.