Sunday, May 26, 2019

2019 Marathon Training - Week 4

So far week four has been pretty bumpy, I'm still getting over whatever illness my husband and son had the other weeks but I am also trying to get my workouts in. 
Monday I still wasn't feeling that morning, but by evening I decided to take Dorian and Jetta for a quick run. It's not easy pushing a 50 lb child in a 40-60 lb stroller in warm, humid weather. Ended up running 3.4 miles, then realized later that I hadn't planned to run Monday....... so there was my Tuesday run.

Tuesday I did get up and go to the gym for shoulders, it went pretty well and I almost went for a run but then thought about going home to get Jetta. By the time I got home, I remembered that I had technically ran my Tuesday run on Monday so I said screw it and got back in bed.

Wednesday I just didn't want to get up when my alarm went off at 3 AM, the forecast threatened severe weather and I just didn't want to get caught out in that. Plus I didn't want to go to the gym either, so I reset my alarm for 6 AM and went back to sleep. I ended up waking at 5:30 and took Jetta for a run, traffic was crazy and we had to stop a lot but we got 5.1 miles done. 

Thursday I woke up at 2:40 AM, disoriented and just tired. I thought about going to the gym but I knew that if I did, I would not go for a run after. I just knew that I was still feeling the illness and I would have been exerting too much energy. So after a few minutes of arguing with myself, I got up and go ready for a run. Jetta and I headed out the door, it was 75 degrees with a dew point of 72 and 83% humidity. I couldn't help but notice Jetta was struggling a bit, or at least she was panting pretty loudly so I made sure to take some walk breaks and stop for water breaks as well. I thought I had chosen a 6 mile loop route, but it ended up being a bit longer than that. Jetta and I ran 8.3 miles, not bad.

Friday I managed to get up and go to the gym and put in some work on my back and a little bit on my glutes/hammies. 
I decided to head to Fieldman Park to get a quick and easy run in, I was feeling a little queasy so I wasn't going to push it. The first mile had an uphill, so I walked a bit of it but after that, I felt pretty good. I ended up running 3.2 miles and it turned into a progression run.

Later that evening I went for a walk with my niece, it ended up being 3 miles and I was feeling pretty sore by then. I was looking forward to my day off Saturday.
It wasn't quite the day off, Saturday morning I had to meet my brother and sister over at our late father's house to clean up what we could while taking items we wanted (most in remembrance and because some were valuable). It was tiring, and then later on in the afternoon I lose my keys and never found them. By the time I got home and was done for the day, it was like 6 in the evening and I was tired as hell. 
I didn't get much sleep Saturday night, and Dorian started to wake up and complain at 3 AM and a few times after that before 5:30 AM. My chance at 14 miles was shot, I woke up at 6 AM and sat around in self-pity and frustration. My legs were still sore from Friday and I also had a 10k race Monday morning. I was considering not running at all, but a big part of me wanted to at least get 5 or 6 miles in.
I ended up walking out the door just a bit after 7 AM, it was humid and warm and the sun was out in the sky. I had decided that I wouldn't need my hydration pack for 5 or 6 miles. I quickly discovered that was a horrible decision, at mile 4 I decided I would attempt 8 miles and by mile 6 I had decided that I could handle 10 miles. I was dying and craving ice cold water, it was hell.... it was tough.

I walked quite a bit, it was tough and I was struggling. But I got 10 miles done and made it home. Along with the walking, I got 33 miles in for week 4.... it was a struggle.

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