Tuesday, May 7, 2019

2019 Indy Monumental Marathon - Training Week 1

   So after week 8 of the base building, I kind of stopped blogging..... my father passed away back in March and I just tried to focus on running and working out and my sanity. About two weeks ago, all the pain and stiffness I had been dealing with just disappeared. I've been trying to stay cautious and realistic, but I am now hopeful. 
   Monday, April 29th began my marathon training for the 2019 Indianapolis Monumental Marathon. Week 1 went by very well and I am feeling very optimistic.
  Monday morning I went to the gym.

Tuesday I went to the gym for arms and chest, then went out for what ended being 7 miles.

After running 7 miles Tuesday morning I thought I should take it easy Wednesday, but instead I decided to head to John James Audubon State Park since my husband was going to be busy and out of the shop so he wouldn't notice me not there. It was a very tough run, but I finally got to do the Back Country Trail twice, and it kicked my ass. I ended up running 4.75 miles with an elevation gain of 771 feet and got a lot of good pics along the trails.

It went really good, surprisingly. Thursday I went to the gym for shoulders and then went back home, figuring it a good idea to rest after that run on the trails. 

By Thursday evening the storms had come in, and when I woke up Friday it was lightning and rain galore. And then, of course, Dorian woke up at like 3 AM so I couldn't go anywhere anyways.
But later that morning upon finding out my husband would be leaving the shop be ben gone for an hour or so, and making up some other excuses I snuck out of the office and headed downtown for a quick 4 miles or whatever. I don't really like running downtown, it is dangerous and crazy and there is just a lot going on and to top it off there was a lot of construction.
I managed to run 5 miles, technically 5.2 but my garmin never resumed after a stop at mile 4 until I realized it about a minute or 2 later. I ran a sub 10 min/mile pace and I can honestly say that it has been months since I've felt like a sub 10 min/mile pace was so easy and effortless. It felt great, and I was feeling even more optimistic. 
Saturday I rested, even though I had planned to go to the gym I slept in. Most of the day was just relaxing and chilling.
Sunday morning I woke up at 5 AM and had my coffee, then got dressed and after some other "chores" I left the house. I had wanted to leave at 6 but started down the driveway around 6:05 when I realized I would have to fuel up Cameron's truck. That stole another 5 minutes from me, but I was finally on the road, speeding...... I couldn't remember how long it takes to get from Chandler to New Harmony but I was pretty certain it was at the very minimal 45 minutes.
I finally got there with about 10 minutes to spare before the start, I could feel the coffee finally kicking in at that point but I had no time for that. I figured I could stop at a port-a-potty somewhere along the course. It was a 6.something loop course and I realized that they hadn't even bothered to put a single port-a-potty out on the course. 
Other than that issue, I felt fine, my legs felt fine. I had to stop a lot because my "need" was much worse when I'd try to run. And the old village of New Harmony still has a lot of old concrete roads that just kill my calves, shins and feet. But I survived that, I also had to make a stop in some bushes/trees toward the end of the first loop. Each loop has an out and back of like a mile from the start before we pass the start/finish to go around the outskirts of the small town. As we were going past the start/finish I knew I had to go again so I headed into the park towards the bathrooms that were about 100 feet off the course. I probably lost 10 minutes total from this bathroom issue, including both times. I still felt like I had to go, the final 3 miles sucks because I had to stop and walk a lot for fear of having an embarrassing accident. The final mile I gave it what I had (just enough not to have that accident) and was relieved to reach the finish line. 
It wasn't my best day, or my best half marathon for sure. I did a lot of walking, but thankfully it was due to pain or anything like that. I finished with a time of 2:22:43 with an average pace of 10:52 min/mile.
And so that finished marathon training week 1 with 30 miles.

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