Thursday, May 23, 2019

2019 Marathon Training - Week 3

Another week that didn't go as planned, hubs was sick and Dorian wasn't doing too much better along with waking up each night around 3 or 4 AM.
Monday I did manage to get to the gym, but I still wasn't feeling it and also ended up pulling a muscle in my neck and upper shoulder during Back day. I ended it at that point and headed home.

Tuesday I was the only one at the shop so I tried to sneak out for a 5 miler, had to cut it to 1.2 miles and go get hubby his lunch. 
After that, I headed back home to grab the dogs and change my shoes. We went out to the Bluegrass Fish & Wildlife Refuge to run, it was a bit tough on Rocky. Sunshine and 60 degrees, and my pace was sub 10 min/mile so that would also explain his struggling. We stopped plenty of times for water and so they could soak in one of the lakes, we also had a couple of walking breaks. In total, I got 5.8 miles Tuesday. 

Wednesday was another struggle, I wasn't able to get up and go work out or go for a run. After I picked Dorian up from school, I took him and Jetta to the Newburgh river front for a run. Ended up running 3 miles, it was tough and a bit stressful, I felt out of sorts and a little aggravated. 

Thursday was Field Day for Dorian's school, they were going to John H. Castle Elementary school at 9 so after I dropped him off at school I headed to the Chandler Community Center and did my best to get a good run in before heading home to clean up and change clothes and then head to their Field Day.
I ran 3.6 miles, I could've done 4 but didn't want to risk missing him in his little competitions. 

Friday was another day I wasn't able to get up in the morning, but I was able to leave the shop early enough to get a run in before Dorian got out of school. I parked at his school and then ran a loop, ending up with 4 miles.

By Saturday I could feel the sickness trying to creep up on me, and I knew deep down that it would not be a smart idea to try and get in a 13-14 mile long run. I made the tough decision to rest during the weekend and call it done with 16.4 miles. I'm hoping and praying things are going to get easier or I'll get my mojo back, at this point running is priority #1 and I don't care if I only get to the gym once a week or not at all, as long as I can run. I can do plenty of workouts at home to keep up my strength.

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