Monday, January 2, 2017

Goodbye 2016.. 2017...... Please be Kind to Me

  So, first let me give 2016 a proper farewell....
"2016, you started me off on a great path and by summer I had two trail marathons under my belt with a plan to run a 50 miler by Fall. That fell through, there were some good runs after that and I was getting faster. Final race of 2016 was Run with the Yeti 15k, the Saturday after Thanksgiving. 
By the 2nd mile my left toes were burning, even the ball of my foot hurt was painful. It didn't go away at all and made the trek very tough and miserable. But I finished 2nd place female in the 15k distance and I believe 3rd place overall. The following week I dealt with tight calves so I took 2 days off, came back and could barely lift my left leg and was having quite a bit of pain in my left quadriceps. I made the decision to take 2 weeks off, and it ended up being 18 days before my next run. 
I ran 2.1 miles on Friday, December 30th. My quadriceps didn't complain much by my adductor muscle did feel tight.... I didn't want to hope too much but figured I'd just ease into 2017.

I finished 2016 with a total of 1,780 miles (according to strava), amounting to basically 300 hours.
I did two trail marathons, one half marathon and a few smaller distance races while winning 1st place in AG at the YMCA 10k race in August, 2nd place AG at the YMCA 15k in September. Then I blew my chance at placing well at the Evansville Half Marathon in October, by going out way too fast. I ran the Turkey Day 5k which was just chaotic, no race etiquette at all from people, almost 3,000 people total. I knocked like 42 seconds off of my PR or something like that, I didn't get below 24 minutes.
After the Thanksgiving Day race, I decided to register and run the Run with the Yeti 15k trail race. I wanted some redemption dang it.
I did well, except for the part I told you about above.... those shoes will never worn again. I did have to stop and use the bathroom which probably added 2-3 minutes so I ended up finishing around 1:20-1:21:00 or whatever.

So, goodbye 2016... 
Hello 2017...
The game plan of running the Land Between the Lakes Marathon (March) again this year is gone, there is no way I can train enough and prepare for it.... which is pretty disheartening as I really enjoyed those trails last year. But maybe I still have a chance to run the Harmonie Trail Marathon if they have it... so far they haven't posted anything about the 2017 event.... which would be really disappointing as I very much enjoy that one as well. I guess I'll have to keep bugging the RD.
At this point, other than hoping there might be a marathon somewhere in 2017, I'll be doing a few 5k's, trying to place well and get a few trophies to make myself feel better. First one won't be until February (next month), then I know there is one in March and another in April. The Harmonie Trail Marathon isn't until May so I should be good.
Then 40 LB Sledgehammer Productions has some 5 race series starting this summer, one for each month I think... they're only 5k but that's alright, I can still enjoy it.
As for the Fall of 2017, who knows.... of course I'll be participating in the Evansville Half Marathon as usual.

Farewell for now guys.

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