Monday, October 12, 2015

The Week Following the 2015 Half Marathon

  I looked to see if I had blogged or blooped at all this past week, and apparently I had not... dang it, the blogging seems to be more work than the actual running.
  In short, I'm coming to terms with not making it to the gym... it's just been hectic with trying to get my runs in. I figure I'll at least try to do some workouts at home, though it won't be the same. Hopefully I can get back to the gym after Thanksgiving or possibly the new year. And today is the day we see our new CPA with the results of his corrections (after our old CPA had tried to royally screw us), and this meeting will decide on whether we go to Indy or not... though I won't ask until this coming weekend. Wish me luck, and pray for me lol.
   As for last week, my goal was to get in 45 miles and it was looking good until yesterday.... but I'll get to that in a minute.
  Monday I did some abdominal strengthening and some other stuff.
  Tuesday I morning I ran 5.3 miles with Rocky, he struggled. We ran it in 51:44 with an average pace of 9:46 min/mile.
  Then later that evening I took Dorian for a 4.1 mile run, ran it a bit slower at 42:16 with an average pace of 10:19 min/mile. So for Tuesday I got in 9.4 miles total
  Wednesday was crazy, wasn't able to run that morning then later in the day one stepson finally broke up with his girlfriend (she is a huge, mental, bratty, selfish hermit like human being..... ) and was kicking her out of our house, which had him broken and hurt as they had been together for almost 5 years and it was his first real relationship (if you can look at it that way). Anyways, by the time I would've been able to run, I was already tired and said screw it so Wednesday was a rest day for me.
  Thursday morning I ran 8 miles in 1:17:46 with an average pace of 9:43 min/mile, it was 61 degrees and humid.
Mile 1 - 10:35
Mile 2 - 10:10
Mile 3 - 9:51
Mile 4 - 9:51
Mile 5 - 9:34
Mile 6 - 9:20
Mile 7 - 9:15
Mile 8 - 9:09

    I wanted to get another run in that evening, but the ex-girlfriend had to come by and get the rest of her stuff so it was another very gloomy evening around the house.
    Friday morning I headed out and ran 6.2 miles in 58:55 with an average pace of 9:30 min/mile. It was 64 degrees and a little humid, and the school buses were all over the place. 
Mile 1 - 10:21
Mile 2 - 10:02
Mile 3 - 9:29
Mile 4 - 9:13
Mile 5 - 9:10
Mile 6 - 8:58
.2      - 8:21

    Later that evening I took the dogs on the trails for 3.8 miles, it was night and windy and it just felt like Autumn. Haunting yet surreal and peaceful all at once, made me realize how I had taken so many of those runs for granted now that I feel so lucky when I do get the chance to go on the trails. So Friday I managed to get in 10 miles.
   Saturday I wanted to get up and go to the gym but was sick to my stomach (financial troubles, which is the norm when you're part of a family business). Later that morning I took Dorian for a run on the Greenway, it was 64 degrees but sunny, no cloud in sight. I pushed that 60 lbs for 6.2 miles in 58:13 with an average pace of 9:23 min/mile.... oiy.
Mile 1 - 10:03
Mile 2 - 9:31
Mile 3 - 9:16
Mile 4 - 9:13
Mile 5 - 9:12
Mile 6 - 9:06
.2      -  9:23

 Sunday morning, I decided to sleep in, then after breakfast, grocery shopping, playing with Dorian and the dogs outside, DH suggested that we go to a nature park or something and do a bit of hiking (it is rare that he does this anymore, so I was excited). So we probably hiked about 2 miles with Dorian and the dogs at Harmonie State Park (I didn't have my garmin going so I don't know for sure).  Then we got home and ordered carry out from Cracker Barrel, by then it was already 7:00. I headed out the door by 7:19 PM and hoped I could get in 10 miles. I hate running the country roads at night, my imagination starts to get the best of me and I ended up running faster than I planned. I was worried about skunks and other shadow creatures. Blah, but I managed to run 10.4 miles in 1:38:21 with an average pace of 9:27 min/mile.
Mile 1 - 10:10
Mile 2 - 9:34
Mile 3 - 9:16
Mile 4 - 9:20
Mile 5 - 9:31
Mile 6 - 9:16
Mile 7 - 9:30
Mile 8 - 9:40
Mile 9 - 9:12
Mile 10 - 9:17
.4        - 8:59

   So I managed to get in 44 miles total for last week, not bad considering all of my obstacles. Now, wish me luck on today and this week and pray for me.

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