Tuesday, October 6, 2015

I'm Dreaming Again, Somebody Stop It.....

  It's in my head again, the thoughts, the dream and next year. What am I talking about, you ask? The Mark Twain Endurance 50, held in September..... which about two weeks or so ago I figured was out of the question and something I should just forget about ever trying to train for and do.
  But it just isn't in me to give up a dream, or change plans without looking at every possible alternative.... and if there is none, only then will I drop a goal or dream.
  And so far I cannot find any reason to, my husband thinks I haven't thought this whole training for a 50 miler thing through all the way. He seems to think that one must run the whole distance or train with week mileage up around 100 mpw. But I've read enough articles and race reports to know that I could survive on as little as 40-50 mpw of running, while also including walks and hikes with my son that could easily add 10-15 extra miles of being on my feet. And that is what many articles and books about ultramarathons discuss, is that it isn't so much about miles and miles of running a week, but just time on your feet. And training for an early Fall race would be easier to get the mileage in because it will be warm enough to take Dorian out no matter what time it is, albeit it will be quite warm at times.
  The only difficult part that I can think about is getting my long runs in on the weekends, I mean my training wouldn't begin until May next year so who knows, maybe Dorian will grow out of this waking up every time I leave or something.
  I haven't asked my husband about the IMM yet, which is just over 3 weeks away, or 31 days, 15 hours and 50 minutes away. I feel that I am ready for it still, not for a PR or anything but ready to start it and finish it. But I don't want to get excited or nervous yet, a lot can still happen in a month and our new CPA's haven't gotten back with us on the results of their corrections which is due October 15. Being that it was my responsibility for the last 6-7 years, even though I had no idea what I was doing.... I am sure whatever happens will have some effect on Cameron's decision on whether we go to Indy or not. 
  I hate having these dreams/goals knowing that nothing is certain, 

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