Wednesday, October 14, 2015

IMM isn't Happening....

 Well Monday's meeting went okayish.... our new CPA is able to fix a lot of issues but unfortunately not in time before this Thursday so we had to turn in what our old CPA had. We'll be able to get things amended and worked out before October is over but we're having to pay both our old CPA and our new CPA and other costs. Let's just say things are extremely stressful right now and will most likely be that way for the rest of this year. IMM isn't going to happen, we both agreed... not to mention I have been sick to my stomach since Monday's meeting.... and I cannot run when feeling like that, not to mention that during the runs I would be thinking of only one thing... how much owning your own business really sucks, I am just beginning to wonder what happened to the "American Dream"... screw that crap.
  It sucks, but I am just going to try and look at the brighter side of things, getting over this hump and out of this dark hole... and learn from it. And try to keep running, with hopes of maybe running the Land Between the Lakes marathon next March.... although I'm done planning and hoping and trying to set goals, right now the future looks very dark and uncertain. The only bright side, the only good thing in my life right now is Dorian.

Honestly, I don't really want to talk about it anymore.

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