Saturday, January 31, 2015

Still Looking Up

  So, last week I got my mileage up to 14 miles and got Sunday's run up to 5.4 miles. I decided to try two days in a row and see what happens, so I ran 5 miles on Tuesday and 3 miles on Wednesday. I didn't feel too bad Thursday.... so I hit the trails on Friday for 5 miles, the muddy trails definitely put a working on my legs. This morning I ran 3.1 miles on the roads with Rocky and so far we are at 16.5 miles and am hoping to get 6 miles in on the roads which will give me 22.5 miles (hopefully) which will be a great improvement.
  I am seriously going through some depression with this lack of running, over the last 3 years I've worked so hard to tone and remove the "cottage cheese"  from the back of my thighs and butt..... sadly over the last month of drastic mileage loss I have gained quite a bit of it due to not decreasing my food and actually increasing carbs and sweets due to being depressed with this. Yesterday I made the decision to curb the carbs and cut myself off from sweets and get back to more protein and water and greens, and to also maybe get back to going to the gym or at least doing a lot of strength training at home.
Wish me luck!

Friday, January 23, 2015

There's Definitely Been Some Improvement

  So, my last bloop was on January 15 and I was losing hope that I'd ever run again. Since that run things have begun looking up for me, the pain and aches are getting less and less during each run. Since my last bloop I've ran almost every other day, I ran 3.7 miles on the trails that Saturday (the 17th) then 4.1 miles on Tuesday (the 20th) and then 4.6 miles yesterday morning on the trails. Yesterday my butt and legs were numb due to the cold and those capris being pretty damn thin but I didn't really feel any aches or pains until near the end of the run - towards the 4 mile mark and on but it wasn't bad either.
  I had my 2nd massage yesterday, she did a lot of trigger point therapy and found LOTS of knots in my upper back and neck but wanted to move on to my legs as I told her some of my issues, she said she could easily spend an hour on my upper back. Then she found a couple knots in my left thigh, but I was shocked to find how many knots she found in both calves - especially the left one and I'd say on a scale of 1-10 of pain they were nearing 9 easily. She said she could easily spend an hour and a half on those things and from now on with each massage she wants to start with my legs.
 My next massage isn't for 3 weeks from today, but she's just going to do some easy massaging for relaxation since I have my first race of the year on February 14th - the Hearts on Fire 5k so I don't want to be too sore, I am not looking to place or finish extremely well but I don't want to be sore.

  So, things are looking up as long as I keep taking it easy for a while longer and keep working on my stretches and take my supplements. I've got a lot of catching up to do on these bloops, and I should mention I've got my son an appointment with an ENT (Ear, nose and throat doctor) next Friday and hopefully we'll be given a date for surgery for ear tubes asap. We now know he isn't hearing in his left ear if at all, and we are not too sure how well he is hearing in his right ear.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

This Morning's Run and Tuesday's Massage

 Tuesday night's massage went really well, I scheduled my next on for next Thursday. I think I liked the deep tissue therapy and the ..."trigger point" therapy as well.
  I've been stretching just about everything from my hips to my feet but avoiding my hamstrings because I fear that if the issue is exactly what I had on my right leg, stretching the hamstring would only make things worse.
  Rocky and I went for a run on the trails this morning, it wasn't as awful as Sunday's run or even the Sunday before that, but it still wasn't as good as it used to be. The ache/tightness/soreness was pretty much just under my left buttcheek this time rather than radiating down to the outside of my knee so that might be a good sign. It also wasn't nearly as bad so that might be a good sign. We did 3.5 miles, very slowly with a time of 39:43 and pace of 11:21 min/mile so definitely my slower paces.... even for on the trails. I felt the need to go to the bathroom even as I was leaving the house but made sure not to during the whole run. Squatting for any amount of time seems to irritate whatever the issue is, along with sitting for long periods of time or sitting on the toilet. Basically it's putting a lot of pressure/weight on the spot that aches and hurts.
  I am hoping that this is a sign that things are improving, I will attempt another slow run on the trails Saturday... maybe 4 miles but definitely no more than that.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Losing Sight of a Silver Lining (aka Freaking Out)

Last time I posted on here was December 20, 2014 and I was mildly upbeat though without mojo, just dealing with some mild aggravation around the ankles. Now, I am losing hope and beginning to feel at a loss and wondering if running will ever feel like it once did. Since my last post, I've ran off and on, not worrying if I missed a day. I decided to take the rest of December off hoping I would start 2015 with a strong and healthy body, that just doesn't seem to be the case at all. I ran January 1, after registering for the Monumental Marathon, the Backside Trail Half Marathon and the Kentucky Derby Festival Half Marathon. Things seemed okay, then I ran some on Thursday and little on Friday. I should have known something was wrong Friday afternoon as I couldn't really chase Dorian around without feeling stiff in my left leg around my bicep Femoris, mainly at the bottom of my left butt cheek and I didn't think too much of it but figured I wouldn't run Saturday. Saturday morning I didn't feel it, so I thought nothing of it. I had also got back to doing squats and lunges that week, I should point that out as well.
But Sunday was different, Rocky and I started out the door and things seemed fine though I just felt off for some reason. Somewhere between mile 4 and 6 I started to feel all of my Bicep Femoris act up (left leg) - starting at the bottom of my left buttcheek, the very top of the back of my thigh, skipping the middle of it and then continuing to be stiff at the end of it on the outside/behind of my left knee. It was seriously stiff, and my left calf seemed agitated but I pressed on. After mile 6 and near mile 7 it seemed to ease up, until I had to stop and use the bathroom. The squatting irritated it so much more, and from that point to the end of 10.6 miles it was bugging me, not only that but the toes on my left foot were burning (which does occasionally happen to me), everything on top of it all had me freaking out and upset.
I knew this pain/stiffness because it happened on my right leg just before the marathon, but not as serious. I did the stretch I was told to, an article stated that the pain is usually because the quad is stronger than the hamstring and pulling the pelvis in a weird position which keeps the hamstring stretched (or something like that).
I decided to take time off, a week if I had to and I started some stretches for all parts of my legs and foam rolling. But by Wednesday or Thursday I started to notice my legs were stiff and achy - the kind of aches you get during the taper for a marathon (weird). Did I mention I had only given myself 4 days of rest after the marathon, I am looking back and wondering if that was stupid on my part and I should have given myself 1 to 2 weeks???
Also, everyone in the house has been sick all last week including my son. Monday through Friday consisted of me and him sleeping most of our nights on the couch scrunched up and him aggravated and pissed off that he couldn't sleep due to his nose being so congested and full of mucus. The week before that, my son somehow got off his schedule and was waking up throughout the night laughing and carrying on.... driving me crazy. Last night was probably the first time in 2 weeks that I got more than 3-4 hours of sleep :(
I have not yet caught the bug, but something tells me it is lurking there beneath the surface waiting.
All these things that have happened over the course of 2 1/2 months have me wondering and pondering on what and where the hell did I go wrong. 

  1. Not giving my body the much needed rest after the marathon and training.
  2. Not paying closer attention to what my legs were telling me when my ankles and calves were acting up.
  3. Lack of sleep, and most of what I did get was on a couch.
  4. Sickness all through the house and at work.
  5. Maybe the squats and lunges irritated the mystery injury even more, without my knowing.

2014 was an amazing year for me, no real injuries and if I felt banged up or in need of a day or 2 of rest I gave my body that. But near the end of 2014 and so far things have been miserable. Am I doomed? Should I give up now, and just face it that my love affair with running has come to an end of in need of a break from each other? Should I take the rest of January off from running, and give my body the rest it deserved back in January? I just don't know what to do, seeing everybody else talk about running, their badass runs in extreme conditions, I envy them and it pisses me off more and more that I can't be out there getting my mileage in :(
I am losing hope with it, Rocky and I hit the trails this morning for no more than 3 miles and my Bicep Femoris was stiff most of the way, we hiked for 1.6 miles after that and it was still somewhat stiff. I am at a loss, and feeling depressed over it.