Monday, December 28, 2020

Changing Focus - Prioritizing Muscle Building

 So the ultra marathon training fell through due to family and my husband's company and just having some issues with my knees that really screwed up the first 3-4 weeks of the 16 week training. Mentally I knew I could force myself through the 50 miles, but at what physical cost? Was I willing to cause damage or serious injury to my body, nope. So I decided that I'd use this winter to focus on increasing my muscle mass, trying to get my muscle percentage back up to 50% and then come Spring I would increase my mileage and focus on leaning out while staying between 45-50% muscle all while keeping my body fat percentage under 25% during the "bulking" phase and then knock it down to 20-22% body fat while holding on to as much muscle as I possibly can.
Currently, as of yesterday I am 133.6 lbs with my BFP (Body Fat Percentage) at 21.2% and Muscle Rate is currently at 45.3%

This morning's workout:

Now I did do some calf raises along with the first circuit, I just didn't add them in there but I'll do that from here on out.
Calf Raises between the Double K-Bell Front Squat and Glute Thrust:
90x12 / 90x12 / 90x12 / 140x12 / 140x12

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