Tuesday, October 27, 2020

2021 LBL50 Training Week 8

Summer tried to come back and take over again, the mornings were seeing 60-70 degrees and the afternoons were seeing 80-90 degrees. I was only able to take Jetta with me one time because of the heat, but I got my runs in nonetheless.
Week 7 saw 60 miles and this week I increased it to 65.8 miles, I'm still feeling pretty good and my pace is getting faster, I'm back to the easy effort paces I had back in 2016-2017, down in the 9-9:30 min/mile pace. I think the hills at Audubon are definitely helping, I feel pretty good that I could even see easy effort paces below 9/mile.
Monday morning I went to the gym first, focusing on glutes, legs and back. 

Then I headed down to the riverfront for a run, focused on an easy effort pace for 6 miles. It was 57 degrees so wasn't too awful, barely a breeze of 5 mph.

Tuesday I didn't make it to the gym, but I did go to Audubon to run the trails. It was only 52 degrees, so not bad at all. The hills are insane, a great place to train for any ultra I'm sure. I ended up running 8.43 miles in 1:39:51 with an average pace of 11:50 min/mile, elevation gain of 1,558 feet. 
When running trails, I've come to learn that I can go on strava and correct the mileage because my Garmin Instinct is not exactly on point mileage wise. On trails it is typically .3-.4 miles behind so I correct it on strava, on roads it is only around .2 miles behind.

Wednesday I did make to the gym, focusing on shoulders. 

Then it was off to Friedman park to run, hoping my son was still sound asleep. It was 63 degrees and not much wind, a little humid but not bad. 
From the get-go my pace was pretty good and felt easy so I decided to just push it with each mile til I was down in the mid to low 9's. I ended up running 10.3 miles with an average pace of 9:42 min/mile and the final .3 mile was a fartlek with a pace of 7:35 min/mile.... of course it was downhill so it didn't feel as hard as it would on flat ground.

That afternoon I went ahead and took Jetta for a walk around Dorian's school til he got out. We only walked 3.05 miles, at that point it was 73 degrees and the sun was shining... so it was a bit warm for Jetta but thankfully we were only walking.
Thursday morning I headed to Audubon again after dropping Dorian off at school, I decided to change up the route rather than do my usual. It 57 degrees but felt so much warmer, I was sweating like crazy and the hills were tough. I ended up running 5:54 miles in 1:06:33 with an elevation gain of 954 feet. 

That afternoon I decided to go ahead and run again, before picking my son up from school. I ended up running 6 miles in 55:25 with an average pace of 9:06 min/mile. It was 84 degrees and partly cloudy so the sun was out a lot, cooking my skull.

Friday morning I decidedly only ran once, since I had 20 miles planned for Saturday and didn't want to be too wore out from it. I waited until after I took Dorian to school, then took Jetta out to Blue Grass to run a nice little loop. Again the temps were almost unforgivable, even at 8:30 in the morning. It was 67 degrees and the sun mocked us, not much of a breeze either. We ended up running 5.1 miles in 47:54 with an average pace of 9:23 min/mile, we even took some walk breaks and stops so Jetta could catch her breath.

Friday afternoon brought some stormy weather in that immediately dropped the temps. By Saturday morning it was 46 degrees with N winds of 13 mph, a huge change from the day before it. I was really indecisive about what I was going to wear, so I decided to park at Friedman near one of the bathrooms and so I could change clothes if necessary. I ate some oatmeal before leaving the house, I took my gear bag with my fuel and stuff. I dressed in capris, gloves and a long sleeved shirt with some sort of windbreaker fabric around the torso area. Around mile 5 I was feeling pretty warm, but thankfully I was finishing up the first loop and getting back to my suv. I then changed into a thermal long sleeve with a bright orange/pink tank over it, the winds were still kicking and I was a little bit cold but okay. The second loop went okay, it was still super dark out and nobody else (which I prefer). Finishing up the second loop and getting back to my vehicle, I decided to grap a hammer nutrition bar which has 220 calories and is easy to chew without water. Sadly it appears my digestive system isn't too keen on this bar.... on the 3rd loop, things started to get a little ugly and it didn't help that I started seeing others out there so I was no longer in the mood to run another loop with people getting out there. So I took off onto one of the out and back paths that are about 1.5 miles long, I also went down some roads off that pathway to get as many miles as I could. By the time I made it back to the main pathway of the 5.3 mile loop, I had 16 miles done. From there on I just kept putting one foot in front of the other until I finished 20 miles in 3:11:16 with an average pace of 9:29 min/mile, elevation of 532 feet. I'm not so sure about those hammer bars, I really like the consistency and ease of chewing and swallowing BUT not sure if my digestive system is going to accept them. I'm going to give it one more try this coming Saturday with my 15 miler, if I get the same issues, I'll be looking for something else for fuel and energy.

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