Saturday, October 17, 2020

2021 LBL50 Training Week 7

 Oh what can I say about this week, this is probably the toughest week this year or first really tough week. It is not going to get easier, but won't or shouldn't get crazier until December or January.
My long run this morning got me to 60.3 miles for week 7, and I am feeling it strongly.... both in my body and mentally.
Monday morning I made it to the gym and focused on legs and back, then I had changed my clothes to go for a run but was called home due to little man being wide awake since 3 am and hubby needing some sleep. 

After I dropped Dorian off at school, Jetta and I headed out just East of the Blue Grass Fish & Wildlife area. I had kind of mapped the planned route for that morning, the 63 degrees felt rather warm and humid. I tried to take it easy for Jetta's sake, so we walked some and took some breaks.

Later that afternoon I got out for the double run, and ended up running like 5.4 miles. Jetta did stay home for this one, and I was able to hold a good pace since I didn't have to walk much at all. 

Tuesday morning I just didn't have the energy or desire to get up and go to the gym. I really didn't want to get up at all, but after taking Dorian to school I decided that Jetta and I would head to the trails at Angel Mounds for a quick run.

That afternoon I had enough time to go and get my double in before Dorian got out of school, I left Jetta at home again as most afternoons are not yet cold enough to take her for a second run. I also saved a soft-shelled turtle which would have been killed minutes later had I not moved her off the road, she was pretty big... the females can grow up to 19 inches and I'd say she was easily 15 inches long.

Wednesday morning I was able to make it to the gym, I mixed it up with mostly shoulders and some chest. And before I could get somewhere to run, I was called home (again) to a very awake little boy.

This time after I dropped Dorian off at school, I decided to hit the hilly trails at John James Audubon State Park. Some of the trail around one of the lakes is still closed, that lake is also almost completely dried up, I've never seen it this bad and I've no idea why. I also wore my new shorts which are not good for running... a little too cheeky for public lol.

Thursday morning, Dorian had some rough sleep so I didn't get up and go anywhere. I dropped Dorian off at school and even though it was 63 degrees, it was much cooler this morning than it was Monday so I took Jetta with me and we went to Friedman Park for what was expected to be 5-6 miles but we ended up running 8 miles.

Later that day it was still very cool, it had actually cooled off even more to 55 degrees and it was breezy with some sprinkles which felt amazing, I went ahead and took Jetta with me again since it was so cool. We only had time to run 4 miles but it was at a real good pace.

Friday I thought I was going to take it off and rest, but since Dorian was out of school for Fall Break I decided to take the 3 of them to Lincoln State Park for a hike, it was supposed to be a simple 5 miles but due to about a dozen brats on bikes we had to take a detour back to the Explorer which gave us 6.6 miles total. Rocky handled it well, mostly because I now pick him up to put him in the Explorer and pick him up to put him down on the ground rather than allowing him to hurt himself from impact.

And now for Saturday morning, finishing off this week with the long run. I had told myself that I would be alright with 16 miles but I really wanted 18 miles. I woke up and it was 37 degrees, I was no longer trying to be a badass and wear shorts or a tank.... it was capris and a thermal under a t-shirt and gloves. I am glad I did too because I was pretty damn cold the entire time, until the sun was up and that was past 7:30 am.
I wasn't feeling too great from the get-go, mentally and physically. I should've stuck to my oatmeal instead of eating a hammer bar which could have been the issue. I've felt worse though, during long runs so this was nothing new and nothing more than I could handle... and it'll  only prepare me mentally for the lows of a 50 miler. 
I was finding something like a groove around mile 10 or so, before my garmin notified me at 12.2 miles that the battery was super low... are you freaking kidding me, there was only one bar missing out of 6 bars! So I prayed it would hold out until mile 13.1 so I could save that workout and then start up Strava and record the rest. Once I saved it, the battery showed no bars and I started up Strava only to look down and see 2 bars.... seriously.... so I started a new workout on my garmin hoping it would live long enough to finish while keeping my strava on just in case. By mile 15 I decided it would survive to the end so I stopped the Strava workout and just relied on my watch. I think if it dies, it automatically saves whatever workout is going on at that moment of death.
Thankfully, it did survive to the finish but I ended up running 18.3 miles total.
The first 13.1 miles had an average pace of 10:14 min/mile and the final 5.2 miles had an average pace of 9:45 min/mile so it was kind of a negative split which I prefer.

All in all, I think it is safe to say Sunday will be a rest day as my legs are tired but my lower back is achy for some reason and I'm honestly ok with 60.3 miles for this week.

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