Summer tried to come back and take over again, the mornings were seeing 60-70 degrees and the afternoons were seeing 80-90 degrees. I was only able to take Jetta with me one time because of the heat, but I got my runs in nonetheless.
Week 7 saw 60 miles and this week I increased it to 65.8 miles, I'm still feeling pretty good and my pace is getting faster, I'm back to the easy effort paces I had back in 2016-2017, down in the 9-9:30 min/mile pace. I think the hills at Audubon are definitely helping, I feel pretty good that I could even see easy effort paces below 9/mile.
Monday morning I went to the gym first, focusing on glutes, legs and back.
Tuesday I didn't make it to the gym, but I did go to Audubon to run the trails. It was only 52 degrees, so not bad at all. The hills are insane, a great place to train for any ultra I'm sure. I ended up running 8.43 miles in 1:39:51 with an average pace of 11:50 min/mile, elevation gain of 1,558 feet.
When running trails, I've come to learn that I can go on strava and correct the mileage because my Garmin Instinct is not exactly on point mileage wise. On trails it is typically .3-.4 miles behind so I correct it on strava, on roads it is only around .2 miles behind.
From the get-go my pace was pretty good and felt easy so I decided to just push it with each mile til I was down in the mid to low 9's. I ended up running 10.3 miles with an average pace of 9:42 min/mile and the final .3 mile was a fartlek with a pace of 7:35 min/mile.... of course it was downhill so it didn't feel as hard as it would on flat ground.
Thursday morning I headed to Audubon again after dropping Dorian off at school, I decided to change up the route rather than do my usual. It 57 degrees but felt so much warmer, I was sweating like crazy and the hills were tough. I ended up running 5:54 miles in 1:06:33 with an elevation gain of 954 feet.