Sunday, November 10, 2019

2019 Indianapolis Monumental Marathon

     This is my first RR in over three years, I may be a little rusty.
So training did not go as I had planned or wanted, it took a while for me to find my mojo. I'd get a LR of 13-16 miles in, then it would be two weeks before I'd get another in. It wasn't til September that I finally found my drive and started getting my LRs in and running every chance I got - morning, afternoon or evening. 
This was my first training cycle that I ran not one 20 miler, but a 21 mile LR before the Evansville Half Marathon and then two 20 miles before the Monumental. Everything seemed to be going good until that week after the final 20 miler, when two days off didn't seem to help and my shins were really bothering me. I started to freak out and took 5 or 6 days off from running hoping that would help, I also started to think about the shoes I had and knew I really needed to look into getting fitted for a new model or brand of shoes, but I am a horrible procrastinator. 
The Ravennas were no longer working for me, they did make changes to the platform or whatever it's called, the part that helps support under-pronators - and I say fuck them for it. The Richocets seemed to be okay for up to 21 miles, and of course that was the furthest distance I had ran in them, but Brooks was discontinuing them for an untold time - Fuck Brooks, I hate them now.
I tried the Levitate 2s, they were a no go but it wasn't until three days before the race that I finally decided to go to an LRS and get fitted. The guy brought out the Brooks Adrenaline 19's, the Mizuno Wave Inspires and a Saucony brand and another that I didn't look at because I liked the Mizunos, they felt snug and I like snug. I took them home and tried them immediately, there was no pain or irritation but unfortunately they were too snug. By mile 2 my feet were tingling and I knew that was a bad thing.... I took them back (this next week I may go back and try them in a size 9 instead of 8.5), I exchanged them for the Adrenalines and took those home. I had one more morning to try a pair of shoes and decide, Friday morning I got up and tried the Adrenalines, Jetta and I only made it to .8 miles before turning back as I was immediately feeling pain in my shins and feet, we got in 1.5 miles and that was all I needed to know. It appeared that the ones I'd be running in would be my newest Richocets, I hope and prayed they would get me to the finish line.
Friday's drive was okay, the rental we got was an Altima, a basic model with no Lombard system and an annoying headrest that I immediately took off. The lack of a Lombard system annoyed my sciatic nerve, big time. We stopped off at Cataract Falls, I took pics of the Upper Falls and Lower Falls, didn't get to see the falls where you get to walk behind the water but oh well. 
This one here is a pic of the Lower Falls, there are signs saying not to swim but people apparently jump in anyways and swim. It was 36 degrees so I was not going for a swim.

This one is still the Lower Falls but a bit closer and it is the small falls that you see above that first waterfall. I wish I could have stayed longer but hubby and Dorian were waiting in the car.

 This is the one of the Upper Falls, I was extremely happy that there were still some foliage on the trees, though it would be really awesome to see this place during a freeze. 

After spending about half an hour there, and letting Dorian play on some slides (he was being such a good boy and really wanted to play on the slides so we gave him about 10 minutes, he was satisfied), we were on our way to Indy. The rest of the evening was hectic, I was constantly in and out of the hotel room, we got our stuff into the room and realized the laptop was still in the trunk, hubby didn't see it so I went down to the valet to get our key, got lost in the parking garage and probably walked .75 - 1 mile. Then I went to the Expo twice (I first went to get my race packet, saw headbands and wanted to go back and get my card as I forgot to bring a headband so made two trips, probably 1.5 miles total). Later that evening I had to go down and make popcorn (the rooms at the Courtyard do not have microwaves.... last time we'll be staying here). By the end of the night I could feel my legs were a bit tired - I took ibuprofen before falling asleep. 
My night was restless, I was in and out of sleep but when I woke at 6 am I felt pretty rested. I had some oatmeal (forgot to bring a spoon so that was fun), I took some ibuprofen (and I don't regret it). Then I foam rolled and did some yoga stretches before getting ready, it was 7:12 when I realized we didn't bring any baby wipes up from the car and I knew Dorian would be going #2 this morning while I was gone and he would not appreciate that crappy toilet paper so I headed down to the valet to get the keys again, then to the car and back up to the room. I kissed Dorian and hubs goodbye and headed down to the race by 7:36 am. 
It felt like forever before things got moving, so many people were taking selfies that finally I said fuck it and took one to post on IG.

Finally got to the starting line and we were off, I am pretty positive I had started way too far back. God only knows how many people I had to pass and all the effort and energy that went into those first 3 miles *face palm*. I knew I wanted a positive split and was going to push as well as I could, yeah it probably wasn't a smart idea but I wasn't very sure how I would feel later or if I'd get sick to my stomach again or if something would flair up in my legs. My fueling plan was a gu at every 5 miles, I had four with me - a Chocolate Rage, two Expresso Loves and one Roctane Cold Brew for the 20th mile.
I realized pretty quickly that my garmin was off, for the first 5 miles it was off by .1 miles, then by mile 10 it was off by .2 miles and by mile 15 and to the finish it was off by .3 miles so my splits may be off but I'll put down what stupid garmin has.
Mile 1 - 10:55
Mile 2 - 10:26
Mile 3 - 10:39
Mile 4 - 9:55
Mile 5 - 9:55
I was doing pretty good, I had my first gu in my glove and continued running while I pulled it out and then at mile 5 I kept up a pace while squeezing it bit by bit and swallowing it down, the next water station was probably .25-.4 miles later.
Mile 6 - 9:37
Mile 7 - 10:06
Mile 8 - 9:52
Mile 9 - 9:44
Mile 10 - 10:39
Around mile 9.8 I slowed to a walk so I could get one of my Expresso Loves out of my back pocket and because I wanted the break, I continued to walk while squeezing it down and about 5 minutes later the water station appeared. I was still doing pretty good but my legs were starting to feel tired, all this old concrete crap sure wasn't helping and the wind was a pain in the ass but I kept pushing it. Somewhere along the lines (maybe Damaris remembers) there were some volunteers with tables of coke and pepsi (and ibuprofen, but I didn't stop for that), I happily took a small (and I mean tiny) cup of coke... it tasted so damn good! There were also some tables of beer and people making mimosas and I now wish I had made this a fun experience and had stopped and enjoyed all the little things - oh well lol.
Mile 11 - 10:19
Mile 12 - 10:49
Mile 13 - 10:50
At the half way point I called hubs to let him know I was halfway done and to take a nice walk break.
Mile 14 - 10:00 (right here was where 5 years ago I got sick to my stomach and could barely run without feeling like I was going to be sick out both ends, it lasted until mile 23).
Mile 15 - 11:18
By mile 15, it began to hit me - my legs were letting me know that I was going to pay for my pace earlier. I got my 3rd gu out, the other Expresso Love and squeezed it down.... and 5 minutes later reached the water station.
Mile 16 - 10:51
Mile 17 - 12:03
Just a quarter of a mile before mile 18 I had to stop at some port-a-potties, there were others there as well, it cost me 5-10 minutes total but thankfully it was the only time I had to stop for a bathroom break (PROGRESS!)
Mile 18 - 13:19
Mile 19 - 11:20
Mile 20 - 12:34
By this point I had hit the wall, I was walking constantly and my glutes and hips and ITB were sore and I just wanted to be done. Before getting my final gu out, I called my hubs and let him know I was at mile 20, he cheered me on and reminded me I only had 6.2 miles to go. I agreed, but told myself to take it one mile at a time. I squeezed down my final gu - the Cold Brew and it felt like forever before I reached the next water station, that gu was hard to swallow... Bleh.
Mile 21 - 11:44
Mile 22 - 13:26
I happily told myself only 4.2 miles to go, by this point I think I walked .3 or .4 miles at one point that I know for sure.
Mile 23 - 11:54 
I was only 3.2 miles away from the finish! Sadly by mile 23.4 we turned onto a long stretch that went into the wind..... it was also at this point my first were in serious pain, I felt like I wasn't wearing any shoes, I could feel everything against my feet and the pounding was dreadful.
Mile 24 - 13:21
I was walking a lot at this point, it was a death march with a whole bunch of others and yo-yoing with them. During my walks they'd pass me running/shuffling, then I'd pass them when I started back up, they were still running/shuffling.
Mile 25 - 12:51
Only 1.2 miles left! But I let myself walk .3 miles, my feet were killing me. I forced myself to run at 25.5, determined to push myself to the finish. We made that corner turn and there were tons of people cheering knowing how close I was and feeling some renewed energy, I continued pushing harder and harder and started to pass people. I passed the mile 26 mark and just kept pushing myself though I'm sure it looked like I was shuffling. Crossing that finish line was a huge relief, to know I had finished it and felt like I had given it all I had compared to 5 years ago I felt cheated out of that opportunity thanks to my getting sick to my stomach.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

2019 IMM Training Week 24

I'd have to say that week 24 was a very good week compared to the entire year, I've done 3 marathon training cycles before this one and I am pretty sure I've never do two 20 milers during any of those cycles, let alone a 21 mile long run 3 weeks before this one. This week I totalled 50.2 miles with a 20 miler to finish it. 
Monday I ran 3.3 miles after hitting the gym for back day with some legs thrown in there.

Tuesday I ran 7.3 miles 

Wednesday I took as a rest day, both from the gym and running.

Thursday morning I ran 5.5 miles. It ended up kind of being a progression run with the final half ran at a 7:41 min/mile pace.

Later Thursday I headed to Audubon after lunch, probably not the smartest since I did have a margarita (or two) during lunch. I sobered up after the first mile.

Friday I ran 3.6 miles after I went to the gym for Shoulders.

Saturday I took the dogs to the trails at Angel Mounds boat ramp area, we ran 7 miles.

Sunday I woke up excited and ready to get out on the road, I thought I had a route picked but ended up changing it and going further out and actually running through 3 "cities" - Chandler - Newburgh - Boonville and back into Chandler to finish. It was extremely foggy out and I had to be very careful when it came to traffic. I ran 20 miles that morning, totalling my weekly mileage to 50.2 miles.

2019 IMM Training Week 22 & 23

After Week twenty-one's 47 miles capped off with a 21 mile run, I knew I needed to cut back the following week. 
I ran a total of 5 times, 4 days with one of those days running twice. And then I took Dorian for a hike, totalling the mileage to 25.7 miles.

 Week 23 I bumped the mileage back up a little, but I had the 2019 Evansville Half Marathon that Saturday so I knew the mileage wasn't going to be terribly high. In total, I ran 39 miles for that week.
I also ran 5.2 miles and walked .4 miles (technically .8 but I didn't log the first .4) to explore a new addition of the pathway at the Newburgh Rivertown trail.
Somewhere around Wednesday I started dealing with gas pains and just a strange pain in my intestines, like air moving through and screwing things up.


Honestly I'm a little frustrated, I don't have all the screenshots and I've been slacking on the blog damn it.
Friday I ran 5 miles
Saturday was the Evansville Half marathon, I was a little worried because even though the gas pains were slowly disappearing, the thought of getting hit with that pain during the race made me nervous so I decided I was going to shoot for a positive split.
I got up early enough to get in an easy 3.2 mile run with Jetta, trying to warm up my muscles. Then when I got to Evansville and found a parking lot to park in, I ran another .7 miles to the start.
Oddly enough, the race went really good and I felt good overall, no bathroom breaks and not too much pain. My watch started out .1 ahead of the mile markers but by mile 5 or 6 it slowly started to drop behind until finally being .1 mile behind (which is normal for it).
My finish time for 13.1 miles was 2:08:33 with an average pace of 9:49 min/mile.

Monday, September 23, 2019

2019 IMM Training - Week 21

So this past week started out really good, and then by Friday it started to fall apart and I wasn't sure if I would get my long run in or not. 
Monday I took as a rest day.
Tuesday - September 17 I went to the gym and then went and ran an easy 3 miles.

Wednesday - September 18, I got my 10 miler in.
I probably did some exercises at home for the core and abdominals but I usually don't log or record that.

Thursday - September 19 I had to take Rocky to the vet that morning but not until 10:30 so once I dropped Dorian off at school I went back home and changed clothes and drove to the trails. It was nice, though I goofed off a bit too much and had to race home to get Rocky. I got pulled over, but the officer was nice and just warned me to slow down.

Friday - September 20 is when things got rough, I managed to make it to the gym that morning but when I was in the locker room changing into my running shoes, hubby texted me that Dorian was up. So, as much as I wanted to head on out for my run I knew that if I was going to have any chance of getting a long run in, I needed to head hom so hubby could get some sleep.

Later that day I managed to leave the shop early enough to get home and change, it was only 90 degrees with sunshine and 15 mph winds... but for some reason I felt like I was dealing with heat induced sickness or something. I was only able to get in 4 miles before Dorian needed to be picked up.

Friday night, hubby basically begged me not to get up early and go anywhere so he could get some sleep. So I didn't, but instead, around 7 I took Dorian and Jetta to the riverfront to get in some sort of run. That stroller is pissing me off, not matter how much I try to adjust the front wheel, it continues to pull to the left. I managed to get in 4 miles, and then I let Dorian play at the playground for 15-20 minutes before we left. And of course Jetta did her best to follow him around on the equipment.

At this point I had accepted the reality that I wouldn't be able to finish the week off with a long run. But thankfully, that evening hubby asked how much I'd be running in the morning or something like that and I told him I wanted to get in at least 15 miles. Well, Saturday night he got back up at 10 PM and went to watch tv while I fell asleep. I woke up at 2:07 AM only to realize that he was still up and watching tv, at that point I didn't care. I was going to get up and go for my run no matter what.
I got up at 3:07 and had some oatmeal and water, then got dressed and put my hydration vest together. After last Sunday's awful 18 miler, I really didn't expect this to go well but I wanted to at least get in 14 miles to put me at 40 miles for the week. 
By mile 10 I knew I was going to aim for 18 miles, I was feeling pretty okay by that point compared to last week. But by mile 15 I had made my mind up to run 20 miles, things were still feeling pretty good and I really wanted to run 20 miles. By mile 17 I made my mind up that I was going to push it all the way to 21 miles.

 I was really tired but I felt accomplished as I hit mile 21. Finishing up the week with 47 miles.