Friday, April 28, 2017

Gonna Get Me Back - Week Five

 Okay, I am really bad at this blogging/blooping crap because week 6 is almost over and I'm just now posting about week 5........ if only this stuff would post itself.
  So last week went really good, even though Sunday looked like it was going to be bad and I feared I'd end up missing another long run - luckily that didn't happen.
Monday - April 17
I can't remember why but I wasn't able to make it to the gym. That afternoon I got in a quick 3.1 miler with Dorian in the stroller and Jetta on leash.

Tuesday - April 18

Wednesday - April 19
Nothing, can't remember why but nothing....... or at least I don't have the workout posted on facebook.

Thursday - April 20

Friday - April 21

Saturday - April 22

Sunday was hectic, I wasn't able to get up early because I knew my husband NEEDED some sleep. And I feared I would miss another long run, and the Harmonie Trail Half Marathon is May 30.
At some point, just before noon I decided that I wasn't going to let this stuff keep me from getting in my long run. I took Dorian and Jetta with me and aimed for 5-6 miles with plans of getting in the other 2 later that day.

I got a total of 26.3 miles and workout out 5 times at the gym.

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