Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Looking Things Over and Changing Plans..... A New Chapter

The Harmonie Trail Marathon is not going to happen this year, the half still might, but at this time I am not sure. For the last 2-3 weeks I have been seriously debating and arguing with myself about it all, I was determined to do the marathon even if my longest run hadn't reached 16 miles by the time the taper started, I know I could do it but at what cost?
Two to 3 weeks of no running at all just to recover from a grueling distance? I don't want that, I want what I was able to do last year and it's time to admit that isn't going to happen. I've come to the realization that I must start over and rebuild my base, back to where 13.1 miles and even 16 miles came easy for me and that is going to take some time. Having a big race glaring at me just 8-9 weeks away wouldn't be helping me but causing me to constantly try and get out there and put out the mileage even through pain and injury. I am not going to do that, no freaking way. 
So with that decision having been made, I am starting over and that includes going back to the gym and getting back into my weight lifting. 
Chapter 1 - Week 1 of this new plan. 
My goal is to get stronger again, to get back where I was in 2015 when half marathons back to back came relatively easy and when two trail marathons just barely 2 months apart came without a cost. 
Last Friday I went back to my gym to sign back up, and I knew deep inside that I was making the best decision.
Saturday morning I headed to the gym.... I think at like 3 AM.... and I focused on my back. I told myself to expect to be weaker than I was when I quit going.

Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs - 60x8 / 55x12 / 60x8 / 55x12 / 60x8
Underhand Grip Cable Row: 5 sets of 60 lbs for 8 or 10 reps (I can't remember)
Bent Over Dumbbell Row: 30x12 / 35x8 / 30x12 / 35x8 / 35x8
Torso Rotation: 50x12 / 70x8 / 50x12 / 70x8 / 70x8
Cable Rows: 60x12 / 65x6 / 60x12 / 65x6 / 60x12
Narrow Grip Lat Pull Downs: 60x8 / 50x12 / 60x8 / 50x12 / 60x8

  Surprisingly it didn't feel to awful but I am definitely not where I was 18 months ago in some areas. After that, I got home and then took the dogs out on the roads to run 3.3 miles.

Sunday I rested and I was definitely feeling the workout in my back. 
Monday morning I headed to the gym to focus on my Biceps, Triceps and Chest. This one was a little tougher, and humbling.
Standing Barbell Curls: 40x12 / 45x8 / 40x12 / 45x8 / 45x8
Standing Triceps Cable Pull Downs: 40x12 / 50x8 / 40x12 / 45x8 / 40x12
Loaded Plate Chest Press: 90x8 / 80x8 / 70x12 / 80x8 / 80x8
Triceps Dumbbell Kickbacks: 15x12 / 20x8 / 15x12 / 17.5x8 / 17.5x8
Dumbbell Curls: 20x10 / 22.5x8 / 20x10 / 22.5x8 / 22.5x8
Torso Rotation: 55x12 / 70x8 / 55x12 / 70x8 / 70x8
Fly Delts: 50x12 / 60x8 / 50x12 / 60x8 / 60x8

Later that day I took Dorian to the riverfront to run 3.1 miles, it was like 74 degrees and sunny.... I was not enjoying that part but no pain so that was nice.... Pushing a stroller after a morning Biceps, Triceps and Chest workout..... really hard.

This morning I headed to the gym and focused on Shoulders and Delts
Cable Face Pulls: 40x12 / 50x12 / 50x12 / 60x8 / 60x8
Plate Loaded Overhead Press: 60x8 / 50x12 / 60x8 / 50x12 / 60x8
Dumbbell Shoulder Shrugs: 5 sets of 20 lbs for 12 reps each
Upright Barbell Rows: 30x8 / 25x12 / 30x8 / 25x12 / 30x8
Rear Delt: 40x10 / 50x6 / 40x10 / 50x6 / 40x10
Front Plate Raises: 5 sets of 12 reps, 25 lb plate

 From there I headed to the river front and ran 4 miles, then for the first time I ran up a pretty big flight of steps twice. I'll have to get a pic of it during daylight but this is what I took at the top.

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