Saturday, September 3, 2016

2016 YMCA 15k Race

  I haven't ran this race since 2013 I believe, although I might've ran it in 2014... I know that the last time was the same year I ran my first marathon so maybe it was 2014.
  My speed/track/interval workouts have been helping quite a bit, I feel my speed and my stamina have both improved. I won't have a speed session this weekend but next weekend I'm going to try a 3x1200m interval, hoping to improve my stamina so that I can hold those paces longer.
  This week I got hit with sinus issues, especially sinus pressure in my nose and head and a runny nose. So this morning I decided to take some Day-quil........ probably wasn't a good idea........
  Jetta and I did a warm up run of 1.3 miles, it was a beautiful 61 degrees and the humidity wasn't really noticeable. 
I got to downtown and parked, with about 40 minutes of spare time I took advantage of it by going to the restroom as many times as I could before the race start. From the get go I could tell my legs weren't having a great day, my hamstrings were tight, and other parts of my legs were feeling a bit like crap.
I had seen a lot of chicks up front, so I figured my chances of placing in the top 3 in my AG were gone. I just wanted to push myself and hold onto a good pace, my main goal was to PR, and to finish under 1 hour and 20 minutes.

Miles 1-3
Mile 1 - 7:59
Mile 2 - 8:09
Mile 3 - 8:22

I had really wanted to hold the first mile pace, for at least the first 3-4 miles but apparently that isn't yet possible for me. I was also feeling the effects of that damn day-quil.

Miles 4-6   
Mile 4 - 8:24
Mile 5 - 8:31
Mile 6 - 8:36

Around this time I did walk for about 30 seconds, to drink some water and pour it on my head. I really wanted to walk more, at this point I didn't give 2 flying fruitcakes if I finished beyond one hour and 30 minutes. I felt sucky, I wanted some gatorade and I just wanted it to be over. There were like 4-5 women in front of me, I know I passed 2 of them but one woman from out of nowhere did end up passing me when I had walked a second time to drink some water and pour the rest on my head.

Miles 7-9.3
Mile 7 - 8:24
Mile 8 - 8:21
Mile 9 - 8:41

   Between mile 8 and 9, or around 8.6 I did walk for almost a minute after pouring water on my head again. Believe me, I wanted to walk even longer but I pushed myself to get moving.

Mile 9.3 - 8:03

   I finished in 1:18:06 with an average pace of 8:23 min/mile, my goal was a pace of around 8:20 min/mile so I pretty close.

Bib # 610
Overall: 81 out of 673
Division Place: 2nd out of 42
Gender Place: 18 out of 417

  The lady who beat me in our AG did so by 1 minute and 8 seconds.
Two pics that a friend took of me at the finish.

And my reward.

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