Saturday, October 1, 2016

2016 Evansville Half Marathon RR

First, let me just mention that I made some big, bad decisions at the start of this race.........
But, before heading to the start I woke up and took Jetta for a quick and easy 2 miler so that she wouldn't feel left out and to loosen my legs. It was very easy, then we got home, I finished getting ready and using the bathroom before I headed off to the start.
I parked a mile from the start and did another easy run, then headed to the bathroom one last time.
They had corals, the first one was the 1:40:00 pace group which began after the runners who would be much faster than that. I got in the front of the 2nd coral (1:50:00 pace), looking back I should have started at the back of the 1:40:00 group and lagged behind a little. The original plan was to average an 8:20 min/mile pace for the first 5-8 miles, but when the horn sounded.... that plan went right out the window.... My survival plan was to stay ahead of the 1:50:00 group.
1 - 7:54
2 - 8:05
3 - 8:09
4 - 8:24
5 - 8:32

  At this point I was beginning to feel it, my quads were beginning to ache and I am still not very good at forcing myself to keep a consistent pace..... that's a lot of mental focus damn it....
I really don't remember when I had grabbed a cup of water and dumped it on my head... maybe mile 3 or 4?? But I think I grabbed a cup of gatorade between mile 5 and 6, slowed just a little but managed not to choke (except I did get a little bit on my fingers.... damn it.

6 - 8:37
7 - 8:48
8 - 9:37
9 - 9:18
10 - 10:00

  By mile 7 I was starting to drag, and my stomach was slowly declaring mutiny... which was worrying me, it was around this time the 1:50:00 pace leader had caught up to me, and then moved ahead and then slowly kept getting further ahead of me...... I wasn't seeing a port-a-potty until around mile 8 and I didn't stop for it. I wanted to walk so bad, each time I tried... someone would come up from behind and push me on.... damn them. 

11 - 9:19
12 - 10:54

   Between miles 11 and 12, I had to stop at a port-a-potty... because things were really threatening to get bad, which added like a minute to my already awful time. I was really suffering, and angry with myself.... my legs were shot to hell.... I hadn't felt this awful during a half marathon in a long time......... it sucked.

13 - 8:44
.1  - 8:31

  I saw the finish line, I was about a quarter mile from it when my stomach sounded an alarm.... and I just begged God to let me finish without a humiliating memory..

I finished without incident, I didn't place well, I knew it by looking at my time so I slowly walked back to the truck and headed home..... Yeah, it sucked.... I went out too fast and the tires had blown off by mile 5... learned my lesson.

bib number:
overall place:
F 25-29 
division place:
13  out of 151 
gender place:
104  out of 1154 
  (pace:  , rank:  )
51:28  (pace: 8:17 , rank: 218 )
1:20:30  (pace: 8:39 , rank: 286 )
last 6k:
37:03  (pace: 9:57 , rank: 550 )
net time:
8:59  (based on net time)

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