Monday, January 25, 2016

2016 LBLM Training Week 8 - Part 3

   There was one hiccup this week, Thursday became a 2nd no run day. I thought for sure Saturday would end up being the 3rd no run day, we had to head to the office so I could work on photographing our new rails individually and on the guns (I'll post pics sometime this week after our photo shop editor finishes with them). I have to admit that I was never really big with shooting inanimate objects, I started out loving wildlife and landscape photography (back in 2008) but have slowly moved towards people, architect and urban exploration (breaking into abandoned buildings/homes that are most likely going to be demolished if they don't collapse themselves). But I had a blast yesterday, it is definitely a different set of skills shooting objects, I had to use my head and figure out how to set my camera to blow out or overexpose the white background so that the rail or gun would look as if it was floating in air which was a lot of fun.
   My mom came to the shop to watch Dorian so I could run, I got out of the shop just before 4 PM to find a place to run. I went to the beginning of the Greenway at the end of Heidlebach road (the trail head that isn't at the river) which basically was up hill and then down a steep hill into the parking lot..... which still had some snow and melting ice on it.... yet I ignored my instincts and went down anyways.
   I aimed for 8.7 miles, snow and ice was melting while the sun was out, it was 34 degrees but the Feels like was 27, and 8 mph NW winds. But as soon as the sun went down, below the horizon... what was melting was quickly freezing. I ran an out and back, and all the way to the turn around point ice and snow as melting and I didn't have any issues but on the way back was a different story, I was slipping and sliding in a lot of spots, at that point I knew I wasn't going to get my Tahoe out. I ran 8.7 miles in 1:21:17 with an average pace of 9:21 min/miles. Elevation gain was 152 feet, with a loss of 152 feet. My husband had to come pick me up, we had to leave the Tahoe there (I grabbed the carseat) and my mom had to take me, Dorian and the dogs home. (I'll explain later how this screwed up my long run).
Mile 1 - 9:23

Mile 2 - 9:22
Mile 3 - 9:19
Mile 4 - 9:20
Mile 5 - 9:22
Mile 6 - 9:19
Mile 7 - 9:16
Mile 8 - 9:18
Mile .7  - 9:29

   Dorian had a long nap Saturday, from 11:30 to like 4 PM but he was ready for bed by 10:30 PM (he fell asleep early Friday and was up at the crack of dawn which is why I couldn't run that morning). He was once again up at like 5 AM Sunday so I wasn't able to get up and run, I assumed that at one point of the day Cameron (husband) was going to take one of the boys with him to see about my Tahoe. I asked my sister if she could bring her kids out around 2 and watch Dorian so I could get my 18 miles in. She came out, and Cameron decided I would go with him to get my Tahoe out (since I got it stuck) which would've been fine if we didn't first stop at Rural King to look for 100' foot rope or chain, then at the shop to see if there was any there because he wasn't confident that the thin layer of snow and ice had melted enough, I kept telling him it was. We wasted an hour or more, got to the Tahoe and sure enough we were able to drive it up over the hill and head home.
  I got out the door by 3:46, it was tough, these new shoes suck (GT-2000 4) or something sucks... none of my other shoes do this to me - the first 8 miles my feet are tingling, numb and on fire from my toes up into my heels. After about mile 8 or 9 it goes away but it just makes the run suck horribly and slows me down because I have to constantly stop and rest my feet, they feel like I am running on fire or in hot sand barefoot or on top of hot asphalt. I am not sure why, they don't look any different from the GT-2000 3, but they're killing me. I was finally feeling better by mile 10 and looking forward to the last 8 miles..... then by mile 11 I got a text from my sister - "we're freaking hungry!!!!" (I had promised to take everyone out to eat afterwards). Which meant she, her daughter, her son, our mom and Dorian were hungry and impatiently waiting. I had a choice, ignore her text and just keep chugging along selfishly which would inadvertently piss her, my mom and my husband off that once again chose my run over everyone else (after getting my Tahoe stuck inconvenienced two other people). I told her to just have someone pick me up (I would try to run as quickly as I could to get to at least 13 miles, but you know it sucks having to stop, pull a glove off and type out a text.... 
   My husband, surprisingly made it to this road quite quickly, even in his stupid slow diesel truck. I only made it to 12.64 miles in 1:59:09 with an average pace of 9:26 min/mile. Elevation gain of 178 feet, and a loss of 188 feet. The temperature was 39 degrees with a feels like 34, 7 mph S winds.
Mile 1 - 9:39
Mile 2 - 9:30
Mile 3 - 9:14
Mile 4 - 9:10
Mile 5 - 9:04
Mile 6 - 9:10
Mile 7 - 9:11
Mile 8 - 9:16
Mile 9 - 9:26
Mile 10 - 9:36
Mile 11 - 10:32
Mile 12 - 9:32
.64 - 9:06

  I was depressed, I could've gotten to 18 miles that evening.... but my poor choice Saturday with my Tahoe screwed it up for me, had I not drove down that hill and instead went to the riverfront where it is flat to each and every parking lot, I would've been able to leave at 2 PM when my sister had gotten there and would've been done by around 5 PM.
  To be honest, I am half way to giving up.... it seems so obvious that I am not meant to train for marathons or anything longer, I want to blame my son and his sleeping habits, I want to blame my husband his current lack of support (he was more supportive between 2010 and 2014). But they all have very good reasons, and I would be a very selfish person if I did that.
The last 4 or 5 weeks have sucked and been tough, week 7 I only managed 29 miles, week 6 I only managed 34 miles, and week 5 I only managed around 23 miles. Week 4 is saying different, RA says I made 50 miles with an 8 miler, 12.3 miler, 7.1 miler, 10 miler and then a 12.6 miler (I wore these same shoes that run too and by the time I was feeling better I had lost so much time) which would add up to 50. But Dailymile says I only managed 27 miles... and I put in the same amount. Anyways, that week had given me up until the 3 weeks after that..... and the week before that was 24 miles.
  I just feel like this is becoming a real struggle now, partially it's the cold weather, but it's also got Dorian's days and nights so screwed up and then I wake up tired and exhausted and ready to make excuses. I really thought this week was going to be a great week, but my luck ran out after Saturday's run and with my poor choice of parking....
  I told Cameron that I have been training for a race, he asked which one and when - I said the Land Between the Lakes marathon in March, I told him I was hoping we could have a 4 day vacation and just relax, taking the dogs with us (he of course reminded me we would need to take Jetta's crate, which I bought 2 weeks ago after she almost tore the curtains down while I was gone for only 25 minutes) but he does like the idea of it so that feels better. 
  This coming week is week 9 and I am going to attempt to run 18 on Sunday, although I am giving up hope.

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