Monday, February 13, 2012

Running and Pregnant

    I haven't really been keeping up with my running in about 2 months now, it has been hectic and having to wait on Cameron to take him to work and then to leave the shop makes things even more difficult. I am definitely going to try and get back to running at least 3 times a week, mainly walking 3 miles with as much running in there as possible. I had signed up for the Hearts on Fire 5k this last Saturday and didn't even make it to a mile before deciding to quit, I was not prepared for the 18 degrees with a 10 degree wind chill, the hills and my nervous bladder/bowels - and not to mention the extra 25 lbs of weight on me.
    The next race that I signed up for is Run of Luck 7k on March 17, and I know that I won't be able to run all of it but I can at least prepare myself again to make it up to maybe 2 miles or at least do a 6:4 run/walk deal, running 6 minutes and walking for 4 minutes. Shauna is going to sign up as well, so hopefully the temperature will be much better than it was this last race. I've been going back and looking at a lot of my race photos, and I can't believe how thin and toned I was, it took being pregnant to make me see what everyone else was seeing.

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