Sunday, February 26, 2012

Got My New Shoes Today

    My new Mizuno Inspire shoes came in last night, I am extremely excited to try them out immediately. I am worried that it won't be so magical with this extra weight on though, but I hope it isn't horrible because my last run was awful and was a real disappointment to me. I will edit this post after my run.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Another Beautiful Day

  I got another run/walk in today, 2.30 miles at lunch time. I am feeling pretty damn good about it, part of me wishes I had done a little more but I don't want to push it with Molly at her age. Maybe this Sunday I will head out by myself, try to hit between 2.5 and 3 miles with a little more running. With Molly, I get so worried that I am going to accidentally run her over or trip over her as she likes to trot as close as possible to me. I think I need at least one run by myself during the week, just to see where I am at and not feel guilty for pushing Molly.
  Later today I might do a few squats, side lunges and maybe reverse lunges just to give my legs and butt that extra workout that they might not have gotten during the run/walk. I also might try the plank position tonight, try and hit 1 minute if I can as it has been a week since the last time and my abs were already feeling tight by 30 seconds.
  I might have to postpone Molly to just the walks for a while, it seems her one last bad tooth is hurting too much. I am going to try and set up an appointment to get it out, but the vet is worried that since she dealing with bladder stones right now, it might not be a good idea. She went in this last Wednesday for an x-ray and there is definitely improvement, the stones are getting smaller more have dissolved. Hopefully the vet will okay to procedure and get that tooth out.

  Well, here's to the weekend.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Actually Got a Run in

   Though it wasn't much, I did a 2 min run / 3 min walk split for 2.08 miles (35 minutes total). I have definitely slowed down with this extra 25 - 30 lbs of weight (I have not weighed myself since 153 lbs which at that point I had gained 19 lbs). I am blindly hoping that trying to run through the next 8-10 weeks of pregnancy with this extra weight might help me get faster when I start to drop the weight. I think I actually might research to see if there is any good to come out of this, will the running during the heavier weight better my running when I start to lose the weight. I honestly hope so because then I might actually be somewhat okay with this weight gain, if it will somehow help me in getting faster.
   Some people are freaking out about my running, saying I should quit now and wait until after the pregnancy..... go to hell because this is one of only a few things that have kept my sanity during this pregnancy. I am pretty much running less than a new runner is, and I can feel my body and I know little Dorian is doing fine in there, hell I am doing all the work. lol

Monday, February 13, 2012

Running and Pregnant

    I haven't really been keeping up with my running in about 2 months now, it has been hectic and having to wait on Cameron to take him to work and then to leave the shop makes things even more difficult. I am definitely going to try and get back to running at least 3 times a week, mainly walking 3 miles with as much running in there as possible. I had signed up for the Hearts on Fire 5k this last Saturday and didn't even make it to a mile before deciding to quit, I was not prepared for the 18 degrees with a 10 degree wind chill, the hills and my nervous bladder/bowels - and not to mention the extra 25 lbs of weight on me.
    The next race that I signed up for is Run of Luck 7k on March 17, and I know that I won't be able to run all of it but I can at least prepare myself again to make it up to maybe 2 miles or at least do a 6:4 run/walk deal, running 6 minutes and walking for 4 minutes. Shauna is going to sign up as well, so hopefully the temperature will be much better than it was this last race. I've been going back and looking at a lot of my race photos, and I can't believe how thin and toned I was, it took being pregnant to make me see what everyone else was seeing.