Monday, April 27, 2020

A Whole Lot Has Happened Since January

First, I haven't posted since January 9th... and I feel horrible about it. I had a rough time during the training for the Go! St. Louis Marathon, January and February was tough but I trained and worked hard through it, the 20 miler was the hardest in March and I ran it on a very sunny day with temps in the 60's and winds in the high teens. I got sunburnt and my legs felt beat to shit, so when I found out a week later that the event was canceled, it sucked even more. 
Since then, things have been a bit of a fuzzy image but I kept my running going and my weight lifting as well... then the gyms closed and I only had running.
Running was going really good, I was stretching my shins and calves and it was helping and I could feel myself getting stronger and my easy runs were dropping back into the low 10 min/mile pace that they used to be in.
And then about 2 weeks ago I noticed my knee was aching, I took a cutback week and did my best to take care of it. The ache would come and go for a couple of days, and then it began to move around on my lower quadricep area and back to the knee. Then nearly a week later I noticed it would start at the knee, move to the lower quad, then to the outer side of my thigh between quad and hamstring or near the ITB. Then a little over a week after the first start of pain, it would start first deep on the inner part of my quad, around the Vastus Medialis or the Sartorius... I'm not real sure but I originally thought it was my adductor that was giving me issues. Again, it would come and go, sometimes the run would suck for the first couple of miles or not really at all. 
I ran 15 miles last Sunday and it actually went okay, and I was very pleased and hopeful. I ran 5.6 miles Sunday and it was sore but I wasn't surprised since I had ran 15 miles the morning before.
Wednesday I took Jetta out for a 3 miler since I got up late and couldn't get the 10 miler in that morning, everything started out fine and my legs felt fine. Then as I was finding a good pace and feeling good, Jetta hit her breaks on me. Instead of stopping and letting her do whatever stupid thing she just had to do, I immediately put my left leg forward and not only pressed down with all of my weight into that leg but all of her 63 lbs as I pulled her forward to get her moving again. That was all it took, my left quadricep went from feeling okay to hurting and complaining. We finished the 3 miler, it ached the whole way. Throughout the day I took Ibuprofen, my Hammer Nutrition Tissue Rejuvenator supplements, my Shell Shock CBD oil and rubbed Runners High Herbals Super Herbs Plus ointment into my legs hoping it would help. That night I ran 7.2 miles, legs were sore starting out but eased up some and I was hopeful that maybe I didn't fuck things up as badly as they had seemed that morning... I was wrong.
I took Thursday off, and Friday morning I got out to run 9 miles. Sure enough... about 4-5 minutes into the run it came on and never left, the pain was everywhere but mainly deep in my Vastus Medialis area and it sucked. It effected how I ran and I was pissed off and miserable. For the first time in a long time, I had to cut my run short. I stubbornly ran 7 miles and called it a day, since then I haven't ran and I'm hoping and praying a week off from running along with my supplements and ointments will help. 
I am also hoping that the gyms will open back up and I can at least get back to weight lifting... until then though, I'm doing whatever I safely can do at home without irritating my leg. 

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