Thursday, January 2, 2020

New Year - New Goals

So 2019 is behind us, and 2020 is right now. First goal I have is to be consistent with blogging... I'm so lazy when it comes to that.
Land Between the Lakes isn't going to happen, after the IMM I had to cut back on my mileage and try to figure out my new shoes and what was going on with my lower legs. Still having some issues with those, but not as bad and I think I've found the shoes that will work for me. So with accepting that reality, I am now looking for a spring marathon that is at least at the end of March or in April. 
First 2020 Goal - Go! St. Louis Marathon - March 29th
I signed up for it today and reserved our hotel room for that weekend, so I've got that out of the way. The race is 13 weeks away, and as long as nothing goes wrong, I should be able to get one 20 mile LR in before the race. I'd like to get in two of those runs but we will have to see how things go.
Second Goal - An early Fall marathon, pretty sure it will be the Honest Abe Trail marathon in September.
Third (most important) Goal - a 50K race
I've got a few races in mind that range between October and November.
I am loyal to the Evansville Half Marathon, which is on October 3. Of course, hopefully by that point a 13.1 mile race will be nothing for me to recover from, might even add a 10 miler in before the race that morning.
I also have the Peace, Harmony & Run Half Marathon in May that I enjoyed last year and will probably do it again this year.
I would really love to do the Backside Trail Marathon which is on April 25, but that is in Louisville, KY which is like a 2 hour drive and I do not know if hubby would be will to do another out of town one month after St. Louis. Though, we could just do a one night stay and head back after the race... that is still quite a way off so I'll just see how things go this month and February. 
I swear I will become consistent with my blogging, I swear!

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