Sunday, August 7, 2016

A Good Week, Race and Soreness

  So this week wasn't going to be a high mileage week, my focus was making sure I was fresh and ready for the race. 
Hubby and I had a 2.2 mile date night on the track Monday, then I ran 6 miles with Dorian and Jetta Tuesday night. Wednesday was a rest day for both of us, mainly because I had bible study.
Thursday night we had another 2.2 mile date night at the track.
Friday was another rest day, I picked up my race packet and then later that evening we went to see Suicide Squad in IMAX (it is a very entertaining movie, ignore the reviews, but the ending might frustrate you as much as it did me, or you'll laugh at it).
I couldn't sleep Friday night, even though Dorian slept through the night peacefully. 
I was up at 4 AM, had some coffee then took Jetta out for a warm up 1.5 miler, very easy run.
It was going to be humid morning, and that made me a little nervous.... okay a lot nervous. I didn't like that at all.
Fast-forward to 7 AM and we started off, the first mile was at the pace I wanted and I was already feeling the humidity.... 

Mile 1 - 7:53 Min/Mile

  The course was now on some old, nasty concrete along the highway (closed off) and by mile 2 my feet were beginning to tingle and go numb due to this nasty concrete. The humidity was just nasty, and there was no wind, I just kept pushing but knew my pace had dropped back. These next 3 miles sucked major balls.

Mile 2 - 8:11 min/mile
Mile 3 - 8:17 min/mile
Mile 4 - 8:20 min/mile

I really wanted to stop and walk, so badly. I didn't drink any water, instead I just dumped the water on my head, but it didn't really help because the water was luke warm. I kept going though, there were a few women around me and I just wanted to stay with them.

Mile 5 - 8:35 min/mile

I really wanted to walk, but then a facebook friend/woman by the name Sarah came up behind me said some encouraging words, I kept moving, maybe even picking up the pace a little. Then another facebook friend/man by the name Cao
came up behind me and and ran with me a little bit before going ahead. Yeah they stayed just up ahead, I just didn't have the energy to push harder to catch up with them. My head couldn't fight past the humidity, I just pushed on and fought to look good at the finish.

Mile 6 - 8:27
.2       - 7:53

I finished in 51:45 according to my chip, with a pace of 8:20 min/mile while my garmin said 6.26 miles in 51:47 with an average pace of 8:16 min/mile, it was a small PR from my last 10k race but not my A goal of under 50 minutes. I then had a few other runners stop me and congratulate me and one thank me for helping to push her and that I looked really strong out there, I must have a really good poker face.
I decided to stick around and wait for the results, not getting my hopes up because I figured I'd be let down.

bib number:759
overall place:64 out of 583
division place:1 out of 36
gender place:13 out of 364
Here is my hard earned prize.

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