Sunday, August 7, 2016

I'm Converting Him!!!!! Slowly......

Yes, it is slowly.... or I'm trying not to be too pushy or  since I don't want to scare him away, but it sure seems to be working out that way, he's only been running a week and has put in a total of 7.4 miles this week already, of course by incorporating walking into his running.
 Last night during our 2 miler, I mentioned that maybe someday he could be doing 5k's and place pretty good in his AG. He kind of scoffed at it, saying that during school the longest he ever ran was a 1 mile and that was with an all out effort, he just didn't believe that he could put out a 7 mm pace for a 5k by the end of this year. I didn't push more on the subject.
BUT.. ... earlier this afternoon he asked me exactly how far a 5k is and I told him 3.1, only a mile more than what he is up to so far. He asked if I could find one in Evansville that him and I could do together, run/walking!

A Good Week, Race and Soreness

  So this week wasn't going to be a high mileage week, my focus was making sure I was fresh and ready for the race. 
Hubby and I had a 2.2 mile date night on the track Monday, then I ran 6 miles with Dorian and Jetta Tuesday night. Wednesday was a rest day for both of us, mainly because I had bible study.
Thursday night we had another 2.2 mile date night at the track.
Friday was another rest day, I picked up my race packet and then later that evening we went to see Suicide Squad in IMAX (it is a very entertaining movie, ignore the reviews, but the ending might frustrate you as much as it did me, or you'll laugh at it).
I couldn't sleep Friday night, even though Dorian slept through the night peacefully. 
I was up at 4 AM, had some coffee then took Jetta out for a warm up 1.5 miler, very easy run.
It was going to be humid morning, and that made me a little nervous.... okay a lot nervous. I didn't like that at all.
Fast-forward to 7 AM and we started off, the first mile was at the pace I wanted and I was already feeling the humidity.... 

Mile 1 - 7:53 Min/Mile

  The course was now on some old, nasty concrete along the highway (closed off) and by mile 2 my feet were beginning to tingle and go numb due to this nasty concrete. The humidity was just nasty, and there was no wind, I just kept pushing but knew my pace had dropped back. These next 3 miles sucked major balls.

Mile 2 - 8:11 min/mile
Mile 3 - 8:17 min/mile
Mile 4 - 8:20 min/mile

I really wanted to stop and walk, so badly. I didn't drink any water, instead I just dumped the water on my head, but it didn't really help because the water was luke warm. I kept going though, there were a few women around me and I just wanted to stay with them.

Mile 5 - 8:35 min/mile

I really wanted to walk, but then a facebook friend/woman by the name Sarah came up behind me said some encouraging words, I kept moving, maybe even picking up the pace a little. Then another facebook friend/man by the name Cao
came up behind me and and ran with me a little bit before going ahead. Yeah they stayed just up ahead, I just didn't have the energy to push harder to catch up with them. My head couldn't fight past the humidity, I just pushed on and fought to look good at the finish.

Mile 6 - 8:27
.2       - 7:53

I finished in 51:45 according to my chip, with a pace of 8:20 min/mile while my garmin said 6.26 miles in 51:47 with an average pace of 8:16 min/mile, it was a small PR from my last 10k race but not my A goal of under 50 minutes. I then had a few other runners stop me and congratulate me and one thank me for helping to push her and that I looked really strong out there, I must have a really good poker face.
I decided to stick around and wait for the results, not getting my hopes up because I figured I'd be let down.

bib number:759
overall place:64 out of 583
division place:1 out of 36
gender place:13 out of 364
Here is my hard earned prize.

Monday, August 1, 2016

A Break from the Heat Wave, Runs and a Very Enjoyable Date Night

Okay, so last week we had a little bit of a break from the heat wave. I was able to do one double day, and got a total of 40.5 miles in.
Tuesday - 6.3 miles, Thursday - 7.2 miles in the AM and 3.5 miles in the PM, Friday - 5.1 miles, Saturday 8.3 miles in the AM and 1.1 miles on the track with DH in the PM, Sunday - 9 miles on the track (6x800mm)

So, I don't think I mentioned last week or the week before that DH had his feet looked at for a good pair of running shoes and wanted to start running as a form of cardio and to lose weight. Nothing big, his current goal is to just reach a point where he is running 5-10 miles a week. Saturday evening we went to the track and the original plan was for one lap, but the first two laps involved some walking, he had to loosen his shoe strings and tie the known towards the inside of his feet as he was noticing burning sensations on the outside of his right foot. It seemed to help, we did 1.1 miles total and he did really good - I call that a date night and hopefully we'll be hitting the track again tonight.
At the track Saturday night

Sunday night, the plan was 6x800m, first a 2 mile warm up and then the intervals and then a 2 mile cool down which should give me 9 miles. After I realized I would be reach 9 miles by the first mile cool down, I called it a night and was happy with it.
According to my garmin, I had two PR's - a 5k time of 23:57 and a 10k time of 48:48, so hopefully this Saturday's race will be an exciting and tough one.

I was aiming for a pace between 7:30-8:00mm as that is my goal pace for this coming Saturday, and I figured it would be relatively tough but easy....ish.
That didn't happen, with the beginning of each hard lap, I found myself around a 7mm pace  WTF!!!
Splits     Time
1           18:33             9:17mm
2            3:30.4           7:01mm
3            4:25.4           8:51mm
4            3:21.1           6:42mm
5            4:39.0           9:18mm
6            3:25.6           6:51mm
7            4:29.1           8:58mm
8            3:27.8           6:56mm
9            4:14.1           8:28mm
10          3:19.5           6:39mm
11          4:21.7           8:44mm
12          3:24.5           6:49mm
13          4:13.5           8:27mm
14          8:35.4           8:35mm