Monday, July 11, 2016

Could it Have Been Fate........?

  So it's been like... 3 weeks since I felt as if my world had fallen apart, and feared I would never have the chance to experience and ultra distance race. What I didn't realize was as that door was closing (for now), another was quite possibly opening.
 During the Harmonie Trail Marathon, I met a woman who also does Ultras and other races, she is so energetic and just a really great person. About two weeks ago, I spotted a pic she posted on FB - some stairs at a track. I soon learned that each Sunday night she heads to a high school track (the high school that just so happens to be down the road from me). She does mile repeats, each followed by 5 sets of stair climbs us a one minute plank, my desire for the stair climbs is what caught my attention. Well, I wasn't able to catch her there as she had been on vacation, but last night I built up the nerve to go by myself...... it's been something like 12 years since the last time I was on a track, and I hated it. I had asthma issues, I couldn't pace myself right or breath right... it was miserable. But I figured that since I wasn't able to focus on long distance running and putting in the higher mileage, what the hell right?
All I can say is I found a new obsession... I was a little nervous, but decided to pop my cherry by doing 4x400m. I amed for a desired 10-15k pace
I warmed up with 2 laps at a 9:15 min/mile
Lap 1 at 6:52 min/mile
Recovery lap at 8:52 min/mile
Lap 2 at 7:04 min/mile
Recovery lap 2 at 8:52 min/mile
Lap 3 at 6:52 min/mile
Recovery lap 3 at 8:36 min/mile
Lap 4 at 7:12 min/mile
Recovery lap 4 at 8:44 min/mile
Cool down lap at 10:49 min/mile

Total: 2.8 miles

Strangely enough, I was feeling pretty good so I decided to do it a second time.

Warm up lap at 9:11 min/mile
Lap 1 at 6:49 min/mile
Recovery lap at 8:39 min/mile
Lap 2 at 6:50 min/mile
Recovery lap at 9:20 min/mile
Lap 3 at 6:48 min/mile
Recovery lap at 9:01 min/mile
Lap 4 at 7:12 min/mile
Recovery lap at 9:26 min/mile
Cool down lap (walk) 19:34 min/mile

Total: 2.5 miles

I was shaky during the cool down lap but as I walked towards my cooler and stared at the stadium stairs, I got to thinking.... this wasn't enough of an ass kicking... so for 5 minutes and 49 seconds, I did 14 sets of stair bounds and a total of .2 miles including the down the steps part.

All in all I did 5.5 miles last night and loved it. I've secretly wanted to get down to a sub 7 min/mile 5k but was too afraid and stubborn to put in the work for it, my fastest PR is 24:40 with a 7:57 min/mile pace without any real training, just gaining confidence and getting fitter. Seeing on how I won't be training for any Ultras for the rest of this Summer and possibly Fall.... why not try and train to set a PR in the 5k, 10k and 15k distances?

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