Sunday, June 5, 2016

And So it Begins..... Training for the MTE50

   This bloop will be titled "2016 Mark Twain Endurance 50 Training" with Week and what ever number it is. As of this weekend, the MTE50 is 15 weeks away.
   It's crazy and mind-boggling to think that it was only 6 months ago that I was signing up for this adventure and thinking "it's so far away, I'm going to go crazy!"....... and now.... only 15 weeks.
   The training will begin Tuesday, and hopefully one hell of an adventure. I got my a$$ kicked at the Harmonie Trail Marathon, but apparently it wasn't brutal enough because I was still able to get back to running by Tuesday.... I had 2 days of rest. So I told the race director that he needed to add a 3rd loop to next year, yeah.... I am sane in the head lol. I plan and hope to hit that loop at least 3-5 times during this training. I will try to hit that loop for a 15 miler, or a 3 hour run which will involve some extra trails towards the end. I will also hopefully run my 25 and 30 miler on there, which won't be exactly 25 or 30, the 25 miler will be 2 loops with a little extra trails towards the end and the 30 miler will be 3 loops which will end up being around 34 miles.
  The big focus for this training will be "time on feet", I'll run as much as I can, when I can and walk or hike as much as I can.
  I will try to keep my blog going, at least weekly until things get interesting, the LRs will probably have a blog all their own.

On another note, Dorian ran his first race Friday night - the Howl at the Moon Trail 5k and he finished just 7 seconds under an hour which was his fastest 5k so far. We came in last, but I'll let go of my pride and competitive side when it comes to making sure my little boy enjoys himself. We're registered for the Friday Night Fever Trail series, four races starting in July, then August, then September and ending in October. They start at 6 PM though, so at least 3 of those races will be in daylight. We'll see how he does as he gets more comfortable with the scene.

 I am nervous and excited about this new adventure, and I really hope training goes well and I don't have too many hiccups or missed workouts.

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