Sunday, August 9, 2015

The Last 2-3 Weeks in a Nutshell

 Once again I have neglected to blog, but it's hard to sit down and type up a blog when I am so tired after getting home from work and like no sleep.
I decided after a rough two weeks to start my training on the 3rd week, 15 weeks from the race and so far it's been tough but manageable. Since I screwed up and slacked I'll make it short for the last 3 weeks.

15 weeks out from the Monumental (Week 1) - 4 hours and 30 minutes of strength training.
43.9 miles, a total of 7 hours, 13 minutes and 16 seconds of running
Tuesday - 4.4 miles / 3.2 miles
Wednesday - 5 miles
Thursday - 6 miles
Friday - 5 miles
Saturday - 3.1 miles
Sunday - 14 miles

14 Weeks Out from the Monumental (Week 2) - 4 hours and 35 minutes of strength training.
40.7 miles, 6 hours, 52 minutes and 57 seconds
Tuesday - 4.2 miles / 3 miles
Wednesday - 8.5 miles
Thursday - 4.6 miles / 2.4 miles
Friday - 3.4 miles / 3 miles
Saturday -3.2 miles
Sunday - 8.4 miles (didn't get out til the evening, and was sick to my stomach)

13 Weeks Out from the Monumental (Week 3) - 4 hours and 5 minutes of strength training.
46.3 miles - 7 hours, 15 minutes and 31 seconds
Tuesday - 5.2 miles
Wednesday - 10 miles
Thursday - 4 miles
Friday - 5.5 miles / 2.5 miles
Saturday - 3.1 miles
Sunday 16 miles (!!!!!!, Almost didn't happen).

I will post about the long run this morning, it almost didn't happen at all. My legs were tired and sore and I really didn't want to get out of bed. I got up at 3:35 AM, got dressed and took care of the dogs. The forecast was 70 degrees, 94% humidity and no wind.... it kind of really sucked. The first hour sucked a lot and I kept on trying to tell myself to turn back and just go back to bed, but I kept pushing forward.
It was very slow going too, for the first few miles but I got to feeling better after an hour. I am glad I kept pushing, I was rewarded with some beautiful scenery as the sun was coming up.

It almost looks like I live in the mountains lol. I did pick up the pace eventually, and I didn't get sick to my stomach (surprisingly), so overall it was a good run and I ran the 16 miles like I planned, and even had half a mile to cool down and walk. I ran the 16 miles in 2:40:52 with an average pace of 10:03 min/mile, elevation gain of 350 feet and a loss of 333 feet.
Mile 1 - 11:13
Mile 2 - 10:50
Mile 3 - 10:35
Mile 4 - 10:30
Mile 5 - 10:36
Mile 6 - 10:11
Mile 7 - 10:18
Mile 8 - 10:03
Mile 9 - 9:40
Mile 10 - 9:30
Mile 11 - 9:40
Mile 12 - 9:29
Mile 13 - 9:33
Mile 14 - 9:40
Mile 15 - 9:37
Mile 16 - 9:26

  So overall, this is probably the best week since June or April. I mean, what should have been Week one 5 weeks ago was 44 miles for the week but I struggled with that one, then the week after that was a horrid and I only got 10 miles, then struggled for 43.9 miles, 41 miles and so this week actually wasn't awful and I am very happy with it. Hopefully the next 13 weeks will go well too.

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