Saturday, June 27, 2015

2015 Howl at the Moon 10k

This won't be a long post, but it was an interesting trail race. I have to admit I really like night time runs on the trails. It rained most of Friday afternoon and then quite a bit between 5 and 8 PM and started back up again half way through the race. 


I will say that there was a lot of mud, A FREAKING LOT and some portions of the trail were pretty much creeks and streams so I tried not to focus on speed and instead on not falling on my ass or face  Around mile 4 I caught up to eventual 2nd place woman and thought I'd get passed her and move on, but she stayed right with me. I come to find out that she was only going slow because her flashlight was almost dead and with me in front of her she could see  not the greatest feeling when you're trying to push hard/not bust your ass/ or break something and your opponent is right on your heels AND you can see their shadow due to the person behind them.
Around mile 5.7 she finally passed me as we got closer to the finish and I heard her mention she had ran the Bound the Mounds half in March in like 1-2 feet snow and ice out there on the trails and wasn't even trying to race right now 
I'm pretty sure she finished about 2 minutes ahead of me, but I'm okay with it and with the results considering the conditions Smile

I haven't been posting much lately, in fact I've been very bad about it. Things have been very chaotic lately with us moving our shop and everything, and I want sleep so bad after getting home from the gym and then I don't even think about blooping in the evening :(
But I promise I will be blooping during my marathon training which starts July 7, even if it's every other day. I will do my best to also read bloops more, hopefully drawing inspiration as well.

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