Monday, June 29, 2015

Yesterday's Long Run & Today's Work out

Yesterday I had planned 13-14 miles but just before leaving I realized that the reservoir/bladder to my hydration pack was leaking. I couldn't take it with me and therefore I didn't feel comfortable going longer than 10-11 miles without some form of hydration (I will not carry a bottle damn it!!!). It was only 57 degrees but 94% humidity, so I figured I would try and see how far I could go without dying.
In short, I made it 11 miles and was able to stop at a gas station to get a drink of water... from the sink (yuck). I ran the 11 miles in 1:46:53 with an average pace of 9:43 min/mile, the first mile being the slowest and the last mile being the fastest (surprisingly).
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:31
Mile 2 - 9:55
Mile 3 - 9:40
Mile 4 - 9:37
Mile 5 - 9:37
Mile 6 - 9:35
Mile 7 - 9:32
Mile 8 - 9:40
Mile 9 - 9:39
Mile 10 - 9:39
Mile 11 - 9:27

I was considering going for an easy 2-3 miler later that day with Dorian, but my upper thigh / lower butt cheek has been complaining since the run so hopefully tomorrow morning it'll be feeling better. The rest of the day I took it easy... ish.

This morning, as usual there is no running on Monday but I do go to the gym. Today is/was focusing on Biceps, Triceps and Chest and Core/abdominals. 85-90% of it is at the gym while the other 10-15% (?) is throughout the day at home or work.

At gym
Captain's Chair: 6 sets of 10 reps
Standing Barbell Curls: 50lbsX8reps, 45lbsX12reps, 50lbsX10reps, 45lbsX12reps, 50lbsX10reps, 45lbsX12reps
Standing Triceps Cable Pull Down: 50lbsX12reps, 60lbsX8reps, 50lbsX12reps, 60lbsX8reps, 50lbsX12reps, 60lbsX8reps
Torso Rotation: 3 sets / 12 reps / 70 lbs
Cable Rope Hammer Curls: 50lbsX10reps, 60lbsX8reps, 50lbsX12reps, 60lbsX10reps, 50lbsX12reps, 60lbsX8reps
Triceps Dumbbell Kickbacks: 20lbsX12reps, 22.5lbsX8reps, 20lbsX12reps, 22.5lbsX8reps, 20lbsX12reps, 22.5lbsX10reps

Loaded Plate Incline Chest Press: 70lbsX12reps, 5 sets / 10 reps / 90 lbs

So far this morning I did 2 sets of 200 Bicycle Crunches and 1 set of 25 push ups on the stability ball (shins on ball). I am hoping to get in a total of 5-6 sets of 200 Bicycle Crunches and 4 sets of 25 push ups on the ball and 5 sets of 20-25 regular push ups. We'll see how it goes :)

Saturday, June 27, 2015

2015 Howl at the Moon 10k

This won't be a long post, but it was an interesting trail race. I have to admit I really like night time runs on the trails. It rained most of Friday afternoon and then quite a bit between 5 and 8 PM and started back up again half way through the race. 


I will say that there was a lot of mud, A FREAKING LOT and some portions of the trail were pretty much creeks and streams so I tried not to focus on speed and instead on not falling on my ass or face  Around mile 4 I caught up to eventual 2nd place woman and thought I'd get passed her and move on, but she stayed right with me. I come to find out that she was only going slow because her flashlight was almost dead and with me in front of her she could see  not the greatest feeling when you're trying to push hard/not bust your ass/ or break something and your opponent is right on your heels AND you can see their shadow due to the person behind them.
Around mile 5.7 she finally passed me as we got closer to the finish and I heard her mention she had ran the Bound the Mounds half in March in like 1-2 feet snow and ice out there on the trails and wasn't even trying to race right now 
I'm pretty sure she finished about 2 minutes ahead of me, but I'm okay with it and with the results considering the conditions Smile

I haven't been posting much lately, in fact I've been very bad about it. Things have been very chaotic lately with us moving our shop and everything, and I want sleep so bad after getting home from the gym and then I don't even think about blooping in the evening :(
But I promise I will be blooping during my marathon training which starts July 7, even if it's every other day. I will do my best to also read bloops more, hopefully drawing inspiration as well.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Trying to Get Used to This Heat

  I am failing miserably with it damn it, for the life of me I do not remember how long it took me last year to get used to this horribly hot and humid weather but we are currently in the middle of June and I am hating it. Last week was tough, but Saturday I woke up and said fuck this... I didn't run but I did go to the gym.
  Sunday was no better, and I woke up at 5 AM due to my son having nightmares now and I felt like crap but I knew I had to get my 10 miles in no matter what. Within the first mile I seriously thought that it wasn't going to happen, my feet, ankles and shins were complaining and whining. It took about until mile 4 or 5 for things to finally calm down but the humidity was still there.. thankfully there were clouds and I wasn't running in the direction of the sun...... until mile 6 and that's when the clouds gave way to heat. It was 76 degrees, 83% humidity and it sucked the life out of me when that sun came out.

Friday, June 12, 2015

It's Friday!!! And the Weather sucks..........

  This morning when I woke and looked at my phone to check the weather, I kept hitting refresh because I couldn't believe it was saying 78 degrees... at 3 AM... sure enough it was that awful out, and 70% humidity :( but luckily I am feeling comfortable enough to go without a shirt even though a shirt does come in handy for wiping the sweat away.
  Obviously I left Rocky at home, he probably would have died. Around mile .7 or .8 a stupid dog came off his porch barking and through the broken part of the fence so I had to stop and stand there wondering if he was going to bite me or what. He just stood in front of me (about 3 feet away) barking, I could hear his owner calling for him but hardly making an effort to get their stupid dog. I lost about 20-30 seconds in that first mile thanks to this stupid dog which I plan on pepper spraying next time.
   Other than that sucky loss, I ran 5 miles in 51:19 with an average pace of 10:15 min/mile.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 11:05 (stupid ass dog)
Mile 2 - 10:15
Mile 3 - 10:00
Mile 4 - 10:01
Mile 5 -   9:57

  After that I headed to the gym for Back Day
Cable Chest Pulls - 36.2lbsX15reps, 5 sets / 15 reps / 40 lbs
Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs: 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX8reps, 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX8reps, 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX8reps
One Arm Bent Over Dumbbell Row: 40lbsX12reps, 45lbsX8reps, 40lbsX12reps, 45lbsX8reps, 40lbsX12reps, 45lbsX8reps
Underhand Seated Row: 6 sets / 12 reps / 60lbs
Machine Lat Pull Down: 110lbsX8reps, 105lbsX12reps, 110lbsX8reps, 105lbsX12reps, 115lbsX8reps, 105lbsX12reps

Seated Cable Row: 6 sets / 12 reps / 70lbs

Thursday, June 11, 2015

This Week... I'm already Slacking on my Blog Again

Well fudge-nuggets!!! I am already slacking on my blogging, I think I posted about Monday and then just kept ignoring it after that. I'll try to make the last 3 days short as possible.
Tuesday - Rocky and I ran 5.2 miles in 52:54 with an average pace of 10:11 min/mile, it was 70 degrees and 88% humidity, Rocky was suffering.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:49
Mile 2 - 10:05
Mile 3 - 10:13
Mile 4 - 9:58
Mile 5 - 9:55
Mile 5.2 - 9:31

  After that I headed to the gym for 55 minutes of focusing on the Back.
Cable Chest Pulls: 6 sets/ 18 reps/ 36.2 lbs
Wide Grip Lat Pull Down: 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX6reps, 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX6reps, 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX6reps
Torso Rotation: 4 sets/ 10 reps/ 70 lbs
Machine Lat Pull Down: 100lbsX12reps, 110lbsX8reps, 100lbsX12reps, 110lbsX8reps, 105lbsX12reps, 115lbsX8reps
One Arm Dumbbell Row: 35lbsX15reps, 40lbsX12reps, 35lbsX15reps, 40lbsX12reps, 35lbsX15reps, 45lbsX8reps

Seated Cable Row: 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8reps, 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8reps, 60lbsX12reps, 70lbsX8reps

Wednesday - Rocky and I ran 5.2 miles (again) in 51:27 with an average pace of 9:54 min/mile, it was 66 degrees and 88% humidity, 0 wind whatsoever and Rocky was suffering again..... I felt so bad for taking him out with me.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:40
Mile 2 - 10:04
Mile 3 - 10:03
Mile 4 - 9:50
Mile 5 - 9:10
Mile .2 - 8:22

  After that is was to the gym for Biceps, Triceps and Chest Day, an hour to be exact.
Standing Barbell Curls: 50lbsX12reps, 40lbsX15reps, 50lbsX10reps, 40lbsX15reps, 50lbsX10reps
Modular Triceps Extensions: 40lbsX15reps, 50lbsX10reps, 40lbsX15reps, 50lbsX10reps, 40lbsx15reps
Loaded Plate Chest Press: 90lbsX10reps, 80lbsX12reps, 90lbsX10reps, 80lbsX12reps, 100lbsX8reps
Standing Dumbbell Curls: 22.5lbsX8reps, 20lbsX12reps, 25lbsX5reps, 20lbsX12reps, 22.5lbsX8reps
Triceps Dumbbell Kickbacks: 17.5lbsX12reps, 20lbsX9reps, 17.5lbsX12reps, 20lbsX8reps, 22.5lbsX8reps
Fly Delts: 70lbsX10reps, 75lbsX8reps, 80lbsX8reps, 75lbsX10reps, 80lbsX8reps

Triceps Extension: 40lbsX12reps, 50lbsX8reps, 40lbsX12reps, 50lbsX8reps, 45lbsX10reps

  Thursday (Today) - I decided not to take Rocky this time and I am so glad I didn't as it was 72 degrees, 78% humidity and no wind. It would have been awful for him, even though he doesn't understand why I am leaving him at home. I ran 5.4 miles in 53:06 with an average pace of 9:50 min/mile, quite a bit better without Rocky and definitely close to my easy pace now.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 10:18
Mile 2 - 9:54
Mile 3 - 10:03
Mile 4 - 9:37
Mile 5 - 9:31
Mile .4 - 9:15

   After the very tough run, as I had no shirt with me this time to wipe the sweat from my face... I headed to the gym for another day of Shoulders & Delts, an hour to be exact.
Cable Face Pulls: 6 sets / 20 reps / 50 lbs
Dumbbell Lateral Raises: 17.5lbsX8reps, 15lbsX15reps, 17.5lbsX8reps, 15lbsX15reps, 17.5lbsX8reps, 15lbsX15reps
Converging Plate Loaded Overhead Press: 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX8reps, 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX8reps, 70lbsX12reps, 80lbsX8reps
Barbell Upright Rows: 40lbsX8reps, 35lbsX15reps, 40lbsX8reps, 35lbsX15reps, 40lbsX10reps, 35lbsX15reps
Rear Delt: 60lbsX8reps, 50lbsX12reps, 60lbsX8reps, 50lbsX12reps, 60lbsXreps
Front Plate Raises: 5 sets / 15 reps / 35 lbs

Torso Rotation: 4 sets / 10 reps / 75 lbs

Monday, June 8, 2015

Getting Back to my Blog

  It resumes today damn it, I am going to stop being lazy about my blogging and get back to it damn it.
 Last week was a great week, amazingly my legs handled the runs from Wednesday through Sunday no problem, even after such a tough race last Saturday. Long story short, I ran a total of 27.7 miles last week and weight lifted for a total of 7 hours. 
  Yesterday was interesting, I wasn't able to get up and run as I felt like a train had ran over me and it was freaking humid damn it. All day was like 90-95 degrees and sunny, my mom came out to the house at 7 PM and I put my hydration pack on with two packs of gu, a 12 oz bottle of water with grape fizz and my 1.5 liter bladder of water. Boy was I glad I took it with me, I had mainly taken it so I could carry my phone because I feared I would be calling my mommy or hubby to come pick me up.
  It was 86 degrees, sunny and not quite humid but just freaking blah man. I could feel the salt all over my face by mile 5. Earlier last week I told myself an 8 mile long run, then by the middle of the week I wanted 10 miles, well I ended up with 9.1 miles in 1:26:08 with an average pace of 9:28 min/mile, and elevation gain of 287 feet..... so I think I did pretty damn good given the circumstances.
Laps/splits were:
Mile 1 - 9:48
Mile 2 - 9:39
Mile 3 - 9:41
Mile 4 - 9:15
Mile 5 - 9:21
Mile 6 - 9:15
Mile 7 - 9:21
Mile 8 - 9:40
Mile 9 - 9:19
Mile 9.1 - 8:41

   Not bad at all, I really didn't want to get out and run but I am so glad I did and I felt much better for it.

  This week so far as started off well, I headed to the gym for Shoulders and delts, about 55 minutes.

It went really good.
Cable Face Pulls: 6 sets/ 18 reps/ 50 lbs
Dumbbell Lateral Raises: 17.5lbsX8reps, 15lbsX15reps, 17.5lbsX8reps, 15lbsX15reps, 17.5lbsX8reps, 15lbsX15reps
Rear Delt: 55lbsX12reps, 60lbsX8reps, 55lbsX12reps, 60lbsX8reps, 55lbsX12reps
Converging Plate Loaded Overhead Press: 4 sets/ 12reps/ 70lbs, 80lbsX9reps
Shoulder Shrugs: 5 sets/ 20 reps/ 30 lbs
Barbell Upright Rows: 35lbsX12reps, 40lbsX8reps, 35lbsX12reps, 40lbsX8reps, 35lbsX12reps, 40lbsX8reps

Front Plate Raises: 5 sets/ 15 reps/ 35 lbs