Thursday, October 6, 2011

Two Days and 9 Hours to Go!!!!!

    I am so excited and nervous, I can barely hold it together damn it! I am going to be all giddy walking into pick up my race packet/bucket tomorrow morning, I won't know what do with myself!! The Half Marathon is this Sunday, only 2 days and a few hours away. I am going to be tearing up when I cross that finish line, and I hope the whole race goes well with maybe a couple of bathroom stops (I would rather there be none).
   Tonight is the last night of Team 13, but I don't think I am going to go - this weather has warmed up to 83 degrees but it feels like 95 compared to 54 degrees in the mornings. I keep feeling the sniffles and sneezing a bit so I don't want to get sick before the race.
   I still cannot believe I am going to be running a Half Marathon this Sunday, it still feels like a dream. I am probably going to be sick to my stomach and nervous as hell the whole time, which is why I am so nervous because I am afraid it might slow me down some just out of concern on puking.

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