Monday, January 3, 2011

A New Year, A New Plan

Friday December 31, 2010 I had ran 3.08 miles and was feeling a bit but I believe that was mainly because I had done squats the day before. Now for this New Year I have made a few changes to my exercise routine, two of the days that I run (Monday and Wednesday) will be followed by strength training on the legs, while Tuesdays and Thursdays will be upper body and Friday will focus strongly on my core. Saturdays will go back to being my long runs.  Today I had ran 3.06 miles in about 33 minutes, it felt a lot colder out there and my left knee was acting up just a little bit. After that I had gone to the gym to start my new training plan and focused on the legs. I feel pretty good but have a feeling I am going to be sore by tonight or tomorrow.

Today: Ran 3.06 miles
Strength Training: Squats (4 sets of 10), Seated Leg Curls (5 sets of 10), Leg Extensions (5 sets of 10), Calf Press/Raise (4 sets of 15), Hip Abductor (4 sets of 10), Hip Adductor (4 sets of 10)

A beautiful day for running, the temp was around 25 degrees and plenty of sunlight.

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