Tuesday, October 26, 2010

StarBucks 5K Race November 7th

Just yesterday a fellow runner (someone I look up to and barely know :D) invited me to the Starbucks 5K, this will be my second 5K race but I think I am going to do better than my first. My first 5K I had finished in 29 minutes and 58 seconds (just 2 seconds before 30 minutes),  I was doing 9:43 a mile and was in pain. Two weeks before that I had injured my IT band and didn't know it, not until my 10K race about a month later. But I am better prepared and my last 3 mile run (this last Saturday October 23) turned out to be 3.25 miles instead of 3 and I ran that in about 30:38 minutes so about 9:29 minutes a mile. I am really excited for this run, because I know that I am ready and as long as I don't do anything stupid, and just stay around 2.75 miles twice this week and my 3.50 miles this Saturday, and a planned 3 miler next Tuesday I should be very ready for the race November 7th! I am excited!

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