Sunday, November 15, 2020

2021 LBL50 Training Week 10

 I was determined to continue my 60 miles a week streak, Monday I went to the gym - it was back day with some legs and torso thrown in.

I decided to go and run from the gym afterwards, it was freaking cold and I didn't feel like any pic would be better than a screenshot of the temp. I ran 6 miles with an average pace of 9:13 min/mile and it was freaking freezing. That day my race bling/package for the 2020 Indianapolis Monumental Marathon was delivered and I was excited, this Saturday I was going to try and run 26.2 miles so I could hang the medal up.

That afternoon I decided to take Jetta for another run, we went out to Blue Grass to run and ran 7.1 miles with an average pace of 9:17 min/mile. 

Tuesday - November 3rd I turned 33 years old. I did not make to the gym but I did do some pull-ups and chin-ups in celebration, as many as I could.

That evening, Jetta and I went out and ran 6.1 miles with an average pace of 9:23 min/mile. I do forget where we went to run..... though.

Wednesday morning I went to the gym and focused on the delts.

Later that morning I headed out to Blue Grass (again) and ran 8.3 miles with an average pace of 8:56 min/mile. It was gorgeous out and I enjoyed the sun and warmth.

Later that afternoon I decided to head out and get another run in, enjoying the 75 degrees and sunshine. I ran 5.1 miles with an easy effort pace of 9:02 min/mile.

Thursday I decided to rest and take it easy as I was hoping to run the 26.2 miles that Saturday.

Friday morning I decided to go out for an easy effort run, 5 miles with an average pace of 8:51 min/mile.

Saturday morning started off okay, I ate my usual and got my stuff together before heading to Friedman Park. The first loop I knew something was not going right but I hoped for the best. By the end of the 2nd loop I was feeling drained and was having some serious stomach issues. On the 3rd loop daylight was coming up and people were showing up and my GI issues were getting worse. I hit the "resume later" option and got back in my Explorer with the intentions of heading out to Blue Grass to finish up but after a couple minutes I knew it wasn't going to happen. My mind and body was drained and exhausted, and it would have been a stupid mistake to try and get the other 11 miles in. So I saved the run at 15.1 miles and headed home. I ran 15.1 miles with an average pace of 9:39 min/mile.
Sunday morning I needed some redemption so I headed out to Blue Grass and ran with an easy effort pace. I felt better but my left upper/inner quad was feeling a bit sore and tight. I ran 7.3 miles with an easy effort of 9:09 min/mile, finishing up the week with 60 miles.

2021 LBL50 Training Week 9

 October 26th to November 1st.
I've been slacking on my blog and now I'm trying to play catchup with it, along with a very hectic week coming up.
My running mileage so far has stayed pretty consistent, though  haven't rollerbladed in 3 or 4 weeks no since the crash... not necessarily because of the wreck but because I have been picking running over rollerblading.
I ran 60.9 miles during week 9, having to double days at the beginning.
Monday morning I went to the gym first and worked my glutes and back for a little over an hour.

Then I head to the river front to get a run in, the temp was cooler and I noticed my easy effort pace has gotten faster. I ran 7.1 miles with an easy effort 9:36 min/mile.

That afternoon it was still pretty cool at 51 degrees so I took Jetta with me for another 7 mile run which was surprisingly much faster than that morning. An average pace of 8:49 min/mile, very pleasing to see.
Tuesday I didn't make it to the gym but Jetta and I did go hit the trails in some mud, again I was very surprised of my pace. I ran 5.2 miles with an easy effort pace of 9:47 min/mile.

We ran again that afternoon, only 4 miles with an average pace of 9:40 min/mile with Jetta.

Wednesday I made it to the gym and hit the delts.

I went back home afterwards, probably because Dorian was awake. After taking him to school I took Jetta to the Evansville river front for a run. The first mile or 2 had me uncertain and I was very seriously considering turning back and heading back out to Warrick County, the amount of bums and suspicious people definitely had me a little concerned. But we kept going and things eased up, we ended up running 8.2 miles with an average pace of 8:52 min/mile.
Thursday morning I didn't go to the gym, instead I waited until after I dropped Dorian off at school and then took Jetta to the trails again. The night before had some serious heavy rainfall and we had some flash flooding. The woods were flooded, water was rushing out of the woods and off the "cliffs" into the river, the trails were under water with some all the way up to my knees. It was fun though, Jetta and I had a blast and ran 5.2 miles with an average pace of 9:57 min/mile.

Friday morning Jetta and I went out and ran 6 miles with an average pace of 9 min/mile, it was a little chilly with a breeze but overall it wasn't bad.
After getting home I decided to go ahead and see what the gym was like around 10:30 am as I was tired of only hitting the gym twice a week. It really wasn't that bad to be honest, I was able to get my workout in and I felt satisfied.

Saturday morning I decided not to run a very long run so I went ahead and took Jetta with me. It was a bit warm for her with the sun shining, but we did okay and we took it easy with some walk breaks. We ended up running 13.1 miles with an average pace of 9:07 min/mile.

I didn't take any fluids and fuel for this so I was a lot leaner afterwards than normally, I think I will do this for any of my runs that are not more than 18 miles.... no fuel or fluids.

Sunday morning Jetta and I headed to the riverfront to get in a quick run, it was 50 degrees but the sun was shining. I was the only one barely dressed as everyone else had long sleeves on.

So that gave me 60.9 miles for training week 9 along with hitting the gym 3 times and of course doing workouts at home.