Monday, September 26, 2011

My 1st Half Marathon Getting Closer

   The countdown is nearly over, but it feels like this week and next week are going to take forever. The Half Marathon is 12 days away and I can barely hold myself together now, I am so nervous and so freaking excited. I don't know which one is stronger or worse, but I think I might end up puking that morning or at the race itself. This coming weekend I am forcing my husband to come with me on either a bike ride to follow and familiarize myself with the course or drive the course although some of it is going to be a part that vehicles are not allowed on. I don't know if I might end up crying at the finish or what, I really hope I don't get that emotional but I am sure others will be though if it is their first Half Marathon.
    Ughh!!!!!!! I cannot hold myself together, I do not have the patience for this!!!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Days Just Seem to Fly By

   It feels as if May was just ending and Jumpstart beginning, and then Team 13 training with the Half Marathon 13 weeks away - now the Half is 2 weeks and 4 days away, with that Team 13 will end as well. I've gotten so used to running with a large group, with Shari, Jennifer, Susan and Steve, Jamie and Denise that this winter is going to feel a little strange running by myself a lot. This Saturday is our 11 mile run, last Saturday was the 10 mile run and it was kind of painful after 8 miles but I finished it. The 11 miles is going to be pretty much the same route, only a mile longer - pretty much a flat course.
   The Half Marathon is going to be pretty flat as well, with the only hill at the very beginning of the race (a pretty good size hill). I am a little nervous but very excited, I have survived 10.3 miles and will survive 11 miles this weekend so 2 more miles isn't going to hurt.