Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tough Love From Winter

I will admit that I did not expect it to be this difficult of a transition into running in cold ass weather, but it has been. I have always been having some minor pains in my knee and shin, when pushing myself. I haven't been keeping up with running for 3 days a week for the past 2 weeks, I've kind of fell off the wagon, last week I ran once (made it to 2 miles with slight aggravation) and today 2.25 miles when I had to stop because my Hamstring suddenly spazzed out. This morning at 1.50 miles I started feeling tension under my knee, at the top of my shin but ignored it; I wanted to make it to 2.50 miles before stopping, well at 2.25 my right hamstring made the final decision. Not to mention I was running on a treadmill both times, I'm hoping I can run again Friday but I can't help wonder why I'm feeling these pains. Anyways, thought I'd make another post, hopefully we'll see sunny weather soon and I will try myself outside even if it 40 something degrees out there.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Starbucks 5K Race 11/07/2010

I am very excited to say that I enjoyed the race 11/07/2010, I had finished without any problems (my shin or knee) though I could've picked up the pace, but better safe than sorry. My time was 32:22, so 10:26/mile; now that was a bit slower than my first 5K but I had injured myself that day as well. I am pretty happy because before this race I was so nervous, all I could think about was the horrific pain I had felt during my 10K race in September. I have another 5K race this Saturday 11/13/2010 and am really excited to see how I do!