Monday, June 13, 2022

2022 Honest Abe Trail Marathon Training - Week One

     So I took a break from marathons and long distance running last year and most of this year, I was going to wait until Dorian started 4th grade this August to start training for my 7th marathon. That was until I realized that the Honest Abe Trail marathon had it's date set for 2022 and although registration doesn't open until August, I decided it would give me the motivation to get back to higher mileage and my long runs in the double digits.
    Training week 1 is complete, this morning's 3.18 miles completed it... though honestly I'd consider Sunday the start of each week but my training apps and stuff do not. Typically I include my gym strengthening sessions and my runs in my blogs, though I might start including my food diary as I am trying to lose 10-15 lbs.
Monday I went to the gym for Legs and Delts -

After the gym I changed clothes and went out for my run, ended up running 5.15 miles out around Friedman Park.

Tuesday morning, I hit the gym for Back, Chest and Arms. I was still feeling a bit
sore from Monday's leg workouts so I decided not to run. Instead, later that morning I took Dorian to Audubon for a hike, still sore so we only hiked 3.36 miles.

Honestly, I am already tired of all the green... and we still have 5 months to go before Autumn hits this area.

Wednesday was another day focused on Legs and Delts, I try to hit each muscle group at least twice a week with some extra workouts at home.

Then I headed to the Newburgh riverfront to get my run in, I think this one was supposed to be a progression run but it really wasn't.

The temp wasn't too bad, but summer is only just getting started so I know that the real misery is coming in July or August. I ran 6.37 miles that morning.

Thursday morning, I hit the gym again for Back, Chest and Arms; I try to focus mostly on back and chest and not a whole lot on my arms. Cameron doesn't really like my arms being too big, and I do tend to agree with him.

After the gym I headed straight at the door and went for my run, I was a bit indecisive about the route, but I figured it out and managed to time it just right to reach a port-a-potty just in time. I ended up running 5.07 miles and got some pretty pics of the sunrise.

Friday was a rest day from it all, because I knew I would need to get up early on Saturday to run 11-12 miles so I decided to sleep in Friday morning.

    So here came Saturday, we stayed up late Friday evening, so I switched my alarm from 4 to 5 am.  I figured an hour extra would help me, which maybe it did as far as sleep goes, but not when it comes to the sun. From here on out, I will be getting up at 4 in the morning so I can at least have some of my mileage ran before the sun really gets above the horizon. 
It was a pretty uneventful run, at least I didn't have any dogs to deal with so that was nice. I carry my pepper spray when running out in the country because of the loose dogs, I've had way too many unfriendly standoffs to know better. It was slow going for the first 5 miles, and my watch never stays correct on gps which I always have to correct after my run. 

I do love the little wetlands in the area, even if it attracts horseflies and other nasty insects. It makes for beautiful photographs.

I made a new friend along the way, a tiny little mini horse, he looked pretty old and had some facial deformities and was very thin for a horse so I hope it is due to age and not neglect.
I ended up running 12.37 miles and still had the energy to fix breakfast and pretty much stayed relatively energetic all day until evening.


Sunday morning, before church, I got up and ran what was supposed to be an easy 3 miles or so. It would appear that some nasty, humid weather has come into our area and will be here for the rest of June.
So, I managed to run 32.1 miles for the first week of this training cycle, but it looks like things are going to get a lot tougher due to this humidity that has swept in.