I just have to be honest with myself, and most importantly realistic. I'm going to have to start off small again, rack up a few half marathons over the next year before chasing marathons and then hopefully someday completing a 50 mile race. I'm going to try and not let this drag me down, I really want to get back to running marathons again but I have to be patient (NOT one of my virtues).
Last week seemed hopeful.
Tuesday I did some back with squats and leg press.
Later that day I was able to leave the shop and take Jetta for a run, things seem okay but sore from the squats and leg press so I wasn't surprised.

Wednesday and Thursday I think I did some abdominals strengthening but can't remember. Friday morning I went to the gym, focusing on shoulders.
Afterwards, I decided to go home and take Jetta for a quick run. Again I really didn't have any issues with this run, tiny bit of soreness and stiffness but nothing else.
This stuff is amazing by the way, the Super Herb Plus muscle rub. I haven't really used the Chill AF Muscle Rub yet since it's cold outside but I have a feeling I'll be using it a lot during summer.
Saturday I was still feeling okay so I took Dorian and the dogs for a hike up at Lincoln State Park. We covered 5.3 miles and the last half of the
Sunday was a late start, I was debating on doing any running and considered taking a rest day and not pushing it. Well it started snowing and I started to think about the trails and what they would look like with a bit of snow, so after I fixed breakfast and all, I took the dogs to Lincoln State Park.
I tried desparately to get these two stupid dogs to look at the camera with me, you can tell I was exhausted from the 5 minute struggle with them. And of course by this point I was being pelted in the face and eyes by ice pellets.
So that was week 7, I was feeling somewhat hopeful by the end of Sunday and even Monday when I went in for a massage appointment.
Tuesday I headed to the gym for back day, and then spent 10 minutes in the sauna trying to entertain myself.
Wednesday was when all my hopes were torn apart, I was able to go for a run before I had to pick Dorian up, the first 2 miles were awful and I couldn't get my stride or gait right. I felt like my lower half was running crooked and my upper half was straight. It was so disheartening and frustrating I was seriously thinking about getting home and cutting slashes into my legs, I hate them so much. Between mile 3 and 4 things eased up a little but the final 1.2 mile was a tempo just to get back to my son's school in time.
Thursday I went to the gym to work the shoulders, the aches and stiffness in my quads and adductors were driving me insane. At the end I went over to the adductor/abductor machine to work them.... I was so pissed off.
So it's Friday now, I've been foam rolling and stretching and using my Super Herbs Plus rub. I just have a minor ache in my quad, especially when I pick it up off the ground. I am going to take a week off from running and pray for a miracle.